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Flame surface density combustion model

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Old   April 26, 2012, 07:02
Default Flame surface density combustion model
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Join Date: Feb 2010
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Dear Foamers

In last version 2.1 of OpenFOAM, a new combustion model has been introduced based on the flame surface density concept for nonpremixed flames (the current version is developed for LES).
I would like to know more about this model,
so if someone has one (or more) reference to give me, where the model is described, I would be very grateful.

Thanks a lot,
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Old   January 22, 2013, 14:27
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Dear Maxim
I had the same problem as urs. the following lines from Tarek Echekki book is the best I find:

The flamelet approach for non-premixed combustion is based on the description of the turbulent flame as a collection of laminar flame elements embedded in a turbulent flow and interacting with it. The local structure of the flame at each point of the flame front is supposed to be similar to a laminar flamelet, while the interaction with turbulence is reduced to the front evolution. This view is supported by the introduction of the mixture fraction, which allows to decouple the turbulent transport and the flame structure. One key parameter of the flamelet structure is the scalar dissipation rate, which controls the reactant fluxes to the reaction zone and is related to the flow velocity gradients. Probability density functions or flame surface density are then used to describe the turbulent flame and relate the flamelet description to the turbulent flame front.

The complete details can be find in Turbulent Combustion modeling book by Tarek Echekki Pages 52-54.
If u had further questions, feel free to ask me.

Also I had a question from u, Do u have any reasonable manual for implementing FSD method in firefoam for turbulent diffusion flames?


Last edited by babakflame; January 23, 2013 at 06:19.
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Old   March 29, 2015, 09:53
Join Date: Mar 2015
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Howard is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by babakflame View Post
Dear Maxim
I had the same problem as urs. the following lines from Tarek Echekki book is the best I find:

The flamelet approach for non-premixed combustion is based on the description of the turbulent flame as a collection of laminar flame elements embedded in a turbulent flow and interacting with it. The local structure of the flame at each point of the flame front is supposed to be similar to a laminar flamelet, while the interaction with turbulence is reduced to the front evolution. This view is supported by the introduction of the mixture fraction, which allows to decouple the turbulent transport and the flame structure. One key parameter of the flamelet structure is the scalar dissipation rate, which controls the reactant fluxes to the reaction zone and is related to the flow velocity gradients. Probability density functions or flame surface density are then used to describe the turbulent flame and relate the flamelet description to the turbulent flame front.

The complete details can be find in Turbulent Combustion modeling book by Tarek Echekki Pages 52-54.
If u had further questions, feel free to ask me.

Also I had a question from u, Do u have any reasonable manual for implementing FSD method in firefoam for turbulent diffusion flames?

Hi, Friend. So do you know how OpenFOAM implement the PaSR? use what kind of model, PDF? Could you give me some information.
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