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Old   March 23, 2012, 15:13
Default ChannelAnalyser
New Member
Marwan Sabih
Join Date: Jun 2011
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Hello OpenFoamers,

(hope this is the right place for this post )
for my Diplomthesis i'm writing a small python-Programm to analyse Channel-Flows with OpenFoam - it's specialized in LES and in German, but i'm going to write an english readme - if someone is interested.

If you start the programm (python python3) (if you want you should install somethings first, which i tell you later)

/________________________Hauptmenü_________________ __________/
Zum Beenden: quit
Für neuen Fall: new
Für alten Fall: old
Für analogen Fall: ana
Re in R_tau umwandeln: re

You can choose between new - to set up a new Case
1. Specify the model (all ScaleSimilarity models will not work at this stage - i will have
to ask my professor first if i can publish them here)
2. choose the dimensions (x,y,z) of the channel
3. Specify the Reynoldsnumber correspondend to Re_0
of the laminar case - later on perturbU (that i found here will automatic create a new starting Field)
4. next choose the number of cellpoints in (x,y,z) direction. Based on Re_tau the Programm will make an sugastion

After this you enter the working mode - which will be discussed later

If you choose old:
you will simply be able to work on an old case again

If you choose ana:
you create a new case analog to some Reynoldsnumber but with a new LES modell -
the last Field of the case you specify will be mapped into the Channel

After you finished one of the steps before you're now in working mode:

__________________________________________________ ___________
/_____________________Allgemeine Befehle_____________________/
Zum Beenden: quit
Systembefehl eingeben: sys
Fall wechseln: break
Informationen zum aktuellen Fall: info
(ausführliche Informationen zum aktuellen Fall: ainfo )
Diese Menü einblenden: help
Befehlsmenü ein und ausblenden: bm
__________________________________________________ ___________
/________________Fall Vor- und Nachbereiten__________________/
Berechnung starten: run
parallele Berechnung starten: prun
Anzahl der Kerne für parallele Berechnung ändern: chc
Daten aus paralleler Rechnung zusammenführen: rec
Re_tau manuell setzen: mset
Re_tau auf letztes Rechenergebnis setzen: set
Rechenfortschritt zeigen: show
Berechnung abbrechen: stop
Startzeit setzen: start
Startzeit auf letzte berechnete Zeit setzen: last
Endzeit setzen: end
delta T umstellen: delta
writeInterval umstellen: wi
Zeitmittelung ein- und ausschalten: ava
ParaView starten: bild
__________________________________________________ ___________
/_________________________Plotten__________________ __________/
Namen von Fällen ändern: cnames
Festlegen welche Fälle im Plot zu sehen sind: cfalls
Plots als Png speichern: png
U_Mean zeigen: su
<u,u>/u_t^2 zeigen: suu
<v,v>/u_t^2 zeigen: svv
<w,w>/u_t^2 zeigen: sww
<u,v>/u_t^2 zeigen: suv
normierte kinetische Energie zeigen: sk
nom. Geschwindigkeit in einem Punkt über Zeit: pu
Fouriertransformierte von U_Mean in einem Punkt: ft
Fouriertransformation über Ebene von U_Mean: rft
__________________________________________________ ___________
/___________________Physikalische Größen_____________________/
Für nu: nu
Für vorgebenes u_tau: vut
Für berechnetes u_tau: ut
Für berechnetes Re_tau: ret

The most usefull commands maybe:

run - to start the simulation
start - to specify the starttime
end - to specify the endtime
last - to set the starttime to the latest time calculatet
stop - to finish the simulation
prun - to run in parallel
chc - to change the number of cores to use for a parallel run
rec - to reconstruct parallel data (you need to to this if you run in parallel later use last)
wi - to change the timesteps used in the simulation
help - to get the help menu
ava - to start or end avaraging
su - (you need have avaraged before) will show you the mean profile
suu - will show you the reynoldstresses
ft - is a bit more tricky and creates a spectrum in time of a point of the channelflow :
1. you specify the time from where you want to to start
2. you specify the number of timesteps you want to use for the spectrum
3. you sepcify how often you shift the intervall for one timestep - over all resulting Spectra will be avaraged

(all images will be safed at the plot folder in subfolders)

info - gives information to the case you're working with

So if you want to use it, you need to install somethings first.
1.go in the subfolder daten and run
wmake libso
2. go in channelDNS and run
3. go in channelPlanes and run
4. go in perturbU and again

Feedback is welcome anytime but unfortunately i don't have too much time so i can not promise change something.

Maybe for some it will help a bit.

Best regards
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