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Implementation of Schroedinger's equation

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Old   September 5, 2011, 16:17
Default Implementation of Schroedinger's equation
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I'm quite new in OpenFoam, but I'd like to learn something more by writing some code.

I'd like to develop a solver for Schroedinger's equation.
I found that the diffusion equation can be modified to achieve this task.
But my question is:since Schroedinger's equation contains the imaginary unit, and I've not seen any solver using it, how can I describe the behaviour of the imaginary unit in openfoam?

I read this paper, but I'd like to develop something mine, or at least understand the mathematic at the basis of his use of the matrices in substitution to the imaginary unit.

Thank you all!!
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Old   September 6, 2011, 10:58
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Mirko Vukovic
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Originally Posted by DiracRules View Post
I'm quite new in OpenFoam, but I'd like to learn something more by writing some code.

I'd like to develop a solver for Schroedinger's equation.
I found that the diffusion equation can be modified to achieve this task.
But my question is:since Schroedinger's equation contains the imaginary unit, and I've not seen any solver using it, how can I describe the behaviour of the imaginary unit in openfoam?

I read this paper, but I'd like to develop something mine, or at least understand the mathematic at the basis of his use of the matrices in substitution to the imaginary unit.

Thank you all!!
You will have to solve separately for real and imaginary parts just as the author is doing. There is a project on OpenFoam-extend to allow for more general types of unknowns (not just floating real numbers). But I am not familiar with its status regarding complex numbers.

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imaginary unit, schroedinger, solver

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