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Parallel version of Ax=b ???

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Old   March 29, 2011, 18:13
Default Parallel version of Ax=b ???
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 33
Rep Power: 15
pkr is an unknown quantity at this point
I am trying to understand the way Ax=b is solved in parallel across the processors.

The original mesh is comprised of 5 cells. The original matrix A without any decomposition is:
-4 0 4 0 0
0 -3 0 0 3
4 0 -8 9 0
0 0 9 -6 5
0 3 0 5 -7

After using decomposePar utility the matrix A is decomposed in two smaller matrices as follows:
First matrix
-3 0 3
0 -6 5
3 5 -7

Second Matrix
-4 4
4 8

When PCG solver is invoked, each process solves Ax=b independently and exchanges some information with other process to ensure correctness.

My queries are as follows:

1. What is being exchanged? I see that in every iteration during Amul, some parts of vector pA is being sent to neighboring process. The neighboring process receives pA and performs additional computation to rectify wA.

wA[] -= coeffs[] * pA_received[];

2. Where do the coefficients come from? What's the significance of coeffs?

3. How does subtracting "coeffs[] * pA_received[]" from wA[] leads to the correct solution mathematically?

Thanks in Advance.
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