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Help with Non-Conformal Coupling (NCC) in OpenFOAM 10 for Translating Mesh

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Old   September 27, 2024, 09:53
Unhappy Help with Non-Conformal Coupling (NCC) in OpenFOAM 10 for Translating Mesh
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Mohammad Mesgar
Join Date: Jul 2021
Posts: 13
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Hello everyone,

I’m working on a case in OpenFOAM 10 where I need to implement Non-Conformal Coupling (NCC) for a case involving linear translation with constant velocity. I’m facing some issues with the setup and would appreciate any guidance from the community.

Case Description:
Solver: Using interFoam coupled with energy, melting, and solidification equations.
Mesh: I have a moving nozzle with a linear motion defined for a specific cell zone. I’ve managed the motion using solidBody motion in fvSolution.
NCC Setup: I’m trying to use Non-Conformal Coupling to handle the interaction between the translating mesh and the fixed part of the domain.
What I’ve Done So Far:

Patches Definition:

I’ve defined two patches, nonCouple1 (atmosphere) and nonCouple2 (bottom of nozzle), for the interaction between the moving and fixed regions of the mesh.
NCC Definition:

In the fvSolution file, I’ve added the following entry:

type nonConformalCoupling;
patch1 nonCouple1;
patch2 nonCouple2;
weightMethod cellVolume;
value uniform 0;
Motion Setup:

I’m using solidBody motion with a constant velocity for the nozzle zone. The motion works fine, but I’m not sure if the NCC is correctly applied to couple the two regions.

Is it necessary to create a baffle for NCC to work, or can it be done without creating one?
Are there any additional steps to ensure NCC is correctly implemented beyond defining it in fvSolution? Should it also be referenced in boundary or fvSchemes?
How should I handle the boundary conditions for the patches involved in the NCC?
Any advice or examples would be greatly appreciated! I’ve gone through the OpenFOAM user guide, but I’m still unclear on the best practices for setting up NCC, especially for translating meshes.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Best regards,
Mohammadmz is offline   Reply With Quote


dynamicmesh, interfoam, linear motion, ncc

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