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Inspecting case structure

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Old   September 4, 2024, 09:32
Default Inspecting case structure
New Member
Juan Pablo Carbajal
Join Date: Jun 2021
Posts: 23
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kakila is on a distinguished road
Dear all,

Quite often we are faced with the following questions:

1. Given a dictionary file name (e.g. controlDict) where does it belong in the case folder structure?

2. Given a table/entry name (e.g. massSource) in which dictionary files can bit be placed?

3. Given a solver name (e.g. fluid) what dictionary files will it parse?

We have try to answer these with the foamToC application, but it seems to answer the question:

4. Given a solver what table/entries can it consume?
And the question of where to put those is left unanswered. Sometimes it helps to read the documentation of the given table/entry retrieved by foamInfo.

Is there a way to answer question 1-3 programmatically.
That is, other than manual exploration of output of foamInfo, searching the tutorials, or reading the source code?

To help us to partially answer the questions we use a database that we build by scanning the $FOAM_TUTORIALS folder (we exclude multi region cases).
The database we built for v12 is attached.

Thank you very much for any input provided
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case setup, folders and files

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