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Access member function from a class in coded function object

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Old   July 25, 2024, 17:19
Default Access member function from a class in coded function object
Senior Member
Julio Pieri
Join Date: Sep 2017
Posts: 109
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Hello all,

I'm on OF-11 writing a coded source to consume a specie based on the mass transfer coeff calculated inside Frossling.C massTransferModel.

I'm trying to access the K() member function (which returns the mass transfer coeff), but it doesn't work. I tried many things, and the most promising is this one:

        const Time& time = mesh().time();
        const scalar startTime = 0.2; // avoid possibility of field not being created yet
        const vectorField& C = mesh().C();

        if (time.value() > startTime)
        const Foam::diffusiveMassTransferModels::Frossling& massModel =

        const scalarField& K = massModel .K();

        Info << "K = " << K << endl;

        //  const volScalarField& O2 = mesh().lookupObject<volScalarField>("O2.water");

        // scalarField& source = eqn.source();
        // source = kLa*(1e-3-O2);

But it doesn't find the "Frossling" Object in ObjectRegistry.


    request for Frossling Frossling from objectRegistry region0 failed
    available objects of type Frossling are
I believe I'm missing some C++ syntax here... Can anyone help me on how to call for a member function/method of an specific model?

Thank you!

Here is the source code:

Note that I've checked many post, including these:
codeInclude in coded function in controlDict, and yPlus
Error: Request from objectRegistry failed
Extract a member function from a class by using autoPtr -> post number 5 seem to have the answer, but it's beyond my C++ understanding
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coded, coded source, codedscalarsource, frossling, member function

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