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Solver for stationary solid phase formation

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Old   July 18, 2024, 07:06
Default Solver for stationary solid phase formation
New Member
Vitor Pereira
Join Date: Mar 2018
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I want to simulate a reaction A(gas) --> B(solid) + C(gas) and, due to the configuration of my reactor, the solid formation is stationary. To clarify, the reaction occurs over a porous film and the solid forms on top and does not move.

In the early stages of developing the model, I intend to use the solid formation just to model the deactivation of my catalyst surface (is a function of the quantity of solid formed).
After that, since the solid is porous in nature, I want to study the influence of the solid formation in the convection and diffusion of my species around the catalyst surface.

I looked for a proper OpenFOAM solver to tackle this and I think the multiphaseEuler module can be a good start for what I intend. However, I came here to ask for opinion/help from more experienced users since I am relatively new to editing solver modules.

I also looked for models that included phase change (solidification, gasification, etc) and multiphaseEuler seemed the best approach for my problem.

I noticed a tutorial called "titaniaSynthesis" that has a solid formation with reaction but the solid is considered dispersed in the continuous phase with a populationBalance. I noticed that multiphaseEuler allows for stationary phases but is not compatible with reactionDriven phaseTransfer, which is where I intend to start altering for the purpose of this model.

I now the basics of C/C++ programming. Do you know any other solver that could be used for this purpose? Do you have any suggestions for people starting editing solvers?

Thank you very much for the help
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multiphase model, multiphaseeulerfoam, reacting, solid fluid interaction, solver development

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