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Multi Region Constant Dictionaries Access

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Old   July 11, 2024, 11:43
Default Multi Region Constant Dictionaries Access
New Member
Maciej Marczak
Join Date: Sep 2020
Posts: 7
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Hello there,

1) Introduction:
I am working on multi region solver in Open FOAM 10. The solver is based on "chtMultiRegionFoam", but there is a one significant difference, that is except only separate region meshes, the solver also contains "globalMesh", it is, mesh before it was splited into regions. It is crucial to keep the structure like that because one equation is solved on this global mesh.

2) What has to done:
I am trying to implement a code that calculates new value of one of the boundary patches based on fields values. The new BC value has to be computed inside a loop that covers few PDE, so it cannot be done by only "codedFixedValue". The algorithm is divided in several componetes.

3) Problem:
Everything worked fie until I wanted to set new calculated value as a value on the boundary condition that is part of a specific region , not on the global mesh field.
The new value calulated by solver is stored in "batteryControl" dictionary that is defined for global mesh and I don't know how can I access this dictionary by my codedFixedValue. The solver simple cannot access this specific dictionary since it doesn't belong to this region, but for global mesh one.
Here is the error:

    request for dictionary batteryControl from objectRegistry positive_electrode failed
    available objects of type dictionary are


    From function const Type& Foam::objectRegistry::lookupObject(const Foam::word&) const [with Type = Foam::IOdictionary]
    in file /home/ubuntu/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-10/src/OpenFOAM/lnInclude/objectRegistryTemplates.C at line 211.
And here is the BC:
        type            codedFixedValue;
        name		galvanostaticControl;
        value		uniform 0;
        	const dictionary& batteryControl = db().lookupObject<IOdictionary>("batteryControl");
        	const dictionary& galvanostatic = batteryControl.subDict("galvanostatic");
        	scalar U_cell = readScalar(galvanostatic.lookup("U_cell"));
        	const fvPatch& boundaryPatch = patch();
        	fvPatchField<scalar>& pField = *this;
                forAll(pField, i)
                	pField[i] = U_cell;
I know it might be simple issue, but I couldn't find a solution for a while, that's why I am asking for help.
Thank you in advance
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Old   July 12, 2024, 05:56
New Member
Maciej Marczak
Join Date: Sep 2020
Posts: 7
Rep Power: 6
MMarczak is on a distinguished road
Hi again
I managed to solve it by myself. As I thought it was problem with navigation through the objectRegistry in multi-region solver.

I am leaving the code for "codedFixefdValue" here, in case anyone will encounter such issue.

        type            codedFixedValue;
        name	        	galvanostaticControl;
        value		        uniform 0;
          const fvMesh& globalMesh = this->db().time().lookupObject<fvMesh>("region0");
          const dictionary& batteryControl = globalMesh.lookupObject<IOdictionary>("batteryControl"); 
        	const dictionary& galvanostatic = batteryControl.subDict("galvanostatic");
        	scalar U_cell = readScalar(galvanostatic.lookup("U_cell"));
        	const fvPatch& boundaryPatch = patch();
        	fvPatchField<scalar>& pField = *this;
                forAll(pField, i)
                	pField[i] = U_cell;
Happy foaming everyone!
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