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Time consumer of simulation time

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Old   June 15, 2023, 12:54
Default Time consumer of simulation time
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Naomi Mestre
Join Date: Jun 2023
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nmc is on a distinguished road
I am running a sediment simulation using sedFOAM from the OpenFOAM software. I did a 10s simulation and it took me approximately 24h. Then, keeping everything the same except for the application of an equation in the inlet of the Boudary condition, I performed a simulation of 0.6s and it took me about 24h.
Could someone tell me if it is really normal that applying an equation in the inlet of the boundary condition increases the simulation time so much? If it is not normal, could someone provide me with some tool to make the simulation more efficient?

Thank you very much in advance!
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Old   June 16, 2023, 04:20
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Tobermory will become famous soon enough
Okay - let's break this down a little. The main question you are raising is "why is the simulation taking so much longer"?

I don't know sedFoam, but in any typical low Mach# flow solver there are three parts to each time step - calculations of initial velocity estimate; pressure calculation and velocity correction; calculation of turbulence and other transport equations. The first and last are generally very quick - from a numerical perspective they are typically trivial. The pressure solution is almost always the most expensive part of the simulation.

So - take a look at your log file and look at how many linear solver iterations are being done on the pressure field for each solver iteration (i.e. time step) - has this gone up significantly? Is it hitting the maxIter bounds? If so, then this will be why it is taking so much longer.

Assuming that this is the case, then the next question is of course "why is it doing that?" Simply put, you are asking the solver to do too much work on each time step - the pressure field and velocity fields are probably changing too much, and indeed you may not have got a sensible pressure solution by the time your solver hits the maxIter limit on the linear solver iterations. Try reducing your time step ...

I hope the above gets you thinking in the right direction. Good luck!
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boundary condition, inlet, time consumer

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