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Moving average in OpenFOAM

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Old   March 2, 2023, 15:43
Exclamation Moving average in OpenFOAM
Join Date: May 2020
Location: Southampton, United Kingdom
Posts: 35
Rep Power: 6
openfoam_aero is on a distinguished road
Objective: Get a volume weighted moving average. What do I mean? I have an unstructured grid with data residing in the cells. I would like to construct a structured "mesh" wherein, I find out the points from my unstructured grid that lie inside each of the cells in this structured "mesh" and take a volume weighted average of those cells and assign it to the structured mesh cell.

What I have tried?

I noticed that topoSet has this feature boxToCell wherein I can define a box with minimum and maximum coordinates. I can then create a cellSet from which a cellZone can be created that has the cell indices stored in it. By using the function object volFieldValue, I can find out the volume averaged value of the quantity in that cellZone. This is all good for one box.

But I would like to create a list of such boxes that encompass my entire unstructured domain and perform the same function till the whole structured domain is populated.

Question: How can this be done?

Remember, I need to insert this into a source code.


Can I get the mesh information for this new "structured" mesh (such as points, faces, cells etc). If so, how can this be done?
Best Regards


“When everything seem to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.” – Henry Ford.
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Old   March 14, 2023, 06:26
Senior Member
Josh Williams
Join Date: Feb 2021
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joshwilliams is on a distinguished road
We have a post-processing tool to do something similar (not sure if you meant at run-time or post-processing). We have used it to apply a top-hat filter convolution to a DNS flow-field to extract a priori LES information. It has only been used on periodic domains (box geometry with periodic BCs).

See the github link:

For the approach you mention, I would probably specify a coarse structured mesh within our coarseningFoam library (just define an array with min and max x,y,z coordinates for each cell).
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cellset, cellzone, functionobjects, toposetdict, toposetsource

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