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Adding a Constructor to ThermoCloud

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Old   February 4, 2023, 22:15
Default Adding a Constructor to ThermoCloud
New Member
Caleb Schrad
Join Date: Jun 2021
Location: West Lafayette, IN
Posts: 2
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I have a novice question, I'm not quite sure how to articulate it.

I need to modify the ThermoCloud class to add a constructor with a modified list of arguments. Presently the constructor takes these arguments

            const word& cloudName,
            const volScalarField& rho,
            const volVectorField& U,
            const dimensionedVector& g,
            const SLGThermo& thermo,
            bool readFields = true
I need to avoid passing an instance of SLGThermo and instead pass select data it contained individually.

Initially, I wanted to create a copy of ThermoCloud with the same inheritance and add the custom constructor, but there is a hitch.


#define makeHeatTransferModel(CloudType)                                       \
    typedef Foam::CloudType::thermoCloudType thermoCloudType;                  \
    defineNamedTemplateTypeNameAndDebug                                        \
    (                                                                          \
        Foam::HeatTransferModel<thermoCloudType>,                              \
        0                                                                      \
    );                                                                         \
    namespace Foam                                                             \
    {                                                                          \
        defineTemplateRunTimeSelectionTable                                    \
        (                                                                      \
            HeatTransferModel<thermoCloudType>,                                \
            dictionary                                                         \
        );                                                                     \
If I am understanding this correctly, the runTimeSelction stuff for the HeatTransferModel (and derived) can only be done for cloud classes which are templated based on and are derived from a ThermoCloud. Which means that no matter what I do, I will have to at some point construct a ThermoCloud using the SLGThermo constructor.

I could use some advice on how to proceed.
  1. Do I need to modify the heat transfer runTimeSelection macros to work with a custom "ThermoCloud adjacent" class?
  2. Can/should I add a constructor to the actual ThermoCloud class instead of deriving from it?
  3. Can I set the data inherited from ThermoCloud without using the ThermoCloud SLGThermo constructor? Perhaps using the default constructor? If I do, how do I construct the KinematicCloud on which ThermoCloud is based?

Thanks for taking a look.
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constructor, derived parts, inherited parts, macros, thermocloud

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