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How to access cell and parcel data in a heat transfer model?

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Old   December 17, 2022, 04:27
Default How to access cell and parcel data in a heat transfer model?
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Maksymilian Kurjata
Join Date: Jun 2019
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Hello everyone,

I'm trying to modify the RanzMarshall model to use a different Nusselt correlation in my simulations. In order to do that, I need to access field values of the cell that a parcel is in (e.g. density, cp, viscosity) and of the parcel itself (e.g. thermal conductivity kappa or the particle diameter). By default, RanzMarshall takes only Prandtl and Reynolds numbers as arguments, which are calculated somewhere else in the code. I'd like to know how can I access the above values to use them for my own Nu-correlation in RanzMarshall.C.

Something similar to what I need is done in drag models, like SphereDrag, for instance.

            //- Calculate the coupled force
            virtual forceSuSp calcCoupled
                const typename CloudType::parcelType& p,
                const typename CloudType::parcelType::trackingData& td,
                const scalar dt,
                const scalar mass,
                const scalar Re,
                const scalar muc
            ) const;
Here, the viscosity muc of the fluid is accessed and the the "...parcelType& p" allows to access e.g. the particle diameter as p.d() in the SphereDrag.C file, if I understand it correctly.

I suppose muc can be used because of the "fvMesh& mesh" line in the SphereDragForce.H. Correct me if I'm wrong.


        //- Construct from mesh
            CloudType& owner,
            const fvMesh& mesh,
            const dictionary& dict

Unfortunately, adding this line, "const fvMesh& mesh" to constructor of my newRanzMarshall files and adding "const typename CloudType:arcelType& p" to the Nu function result in errors, since I provide more arguments than are expected.

I would be grateful if you could help or refer me to a tutorial or some other material where similar things are done. I've been searching on the forum, google and in the tutorials for 2 days now with no effect.
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field access, parcel variables, ranzmarshall

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