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Make a particles list in MomentumCloud

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Old   March 11, 2022, 14:38
Default Make a particles list in MomentumCloud
New Member
Yves Robert
Join Date: May 2019
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I would like to make a list of parcels in MomentumCloud objects.
Basically, I want to populate a list (DynamicList) of parcels, which is stored for the whole iteration (injection of new parcels and cloud motion). Just for context, the list should contain parcels that are below a certain Zmin.

I am quite new to OpenFOAM development.

So first, how to create a new field in momentum clouds? This field should be a DynamicList of parcels.
Then, how to populate the list?

Here is what I tried to do.
In MomentumCloud.H, I added
void populate_parcels_of_interest(const double);
inline DynamicList<parcelType*> parcels_of_interest();
DynamicList<parcelType*> parcels_of_interest_;
In MomentumCloud.C, I added:
in the constructor

template<class CloudType>
void Foam::MomentumCloud<CloudType>::populate_parcels_of_interest
    const scalar Z_min
    DynamicList<parcelType*>& parcels_of_interest = parcels_of_interest_;
    int i = 0;
    forAllConstIter(typename MomentumCloud<CloudType>, *this, pIter)
        const parcelType p = pIter();
        scalar z = p.position().z();
        Info << "Pos: " << p.position() << nl;
        if (z < Z_min)
            i ++;
            int j = 0;
            while  (j < i)
                Info << "\tPos " << j << ": " << parcels_of_interest[j]->position() << nl;

    forAll(parcels_of_interest, i)
        parcelType p = *parcels_of_interest[i];
        scalar z = p.position().z();
        Info << i << "-> Z_min: " << Z_min << " Z: " << z << " test: " << (z >= Z_min) << nl;
When I run the code for 1 step and look at the output (4 parcels injected):
Pos: (0.241657 -0.250083 0.395233)
        Pos 0: (0.241657 -0.250083 0.395233)
Pos: (-0.327668 -0.248501 0.42311)
        Pos 0: (-0.327668 -0.248501 0.42311)
        Pos 1: (-0.327668 -0.248501 0.42311)
Pos: (-0.49028 0.00792265 0.43253)
        Pos 0: (-0.49028 0.00792265 0.43253)
        Pos 1: (-0.49028 0.00792265 0.43253)
        Pos 2: (-0.49028 0.00792265 0.43253)
Pos: (-0.346966 -0.0428658 0.428971)
        Pos 0: (-0.346966 -0.0428658 0.428971)
        Pos 1: (-0.346966 -0.0428658 0.428971)
        Pos 2: (-0.346966 -0.0428658 0.428971)
        Pos 3: (-0.346966 -0.0428658 0.428971)
0-> Z_min: 1e+30 Z: 0.428971 test: 0
1-> Z_min: 1e+30 Z: 0.428971 test: 0
2-> Z_min: 1e+30 Z: 0.428971 test: 0
3-> Z_min: 1e+30 Z: 0.428971 test: 0
It seems like the element I add to the list is getting updated every time, instead of storing the parcel of interest.

I would greatly appreciate help on this matter, as I am really stuck on this problem to go forward in my project.

Thank you.
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Old   March 12, 2022, 04:37
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Mark Olesen
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Since you have a DynamicList of pointers to your "particles of interest", it would be a bug if their values did not change. If you want a copy of their values, you can't be storing their pointers.
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dem, dynamiclist, lagrangian, momentum cloud, parcels

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