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Combining dynamicInkjetFvmesh with layeradditionremoval

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Old   August 13, 2020, 01:00
Default Combining dynamicInkjetFvmesh with layeradditionremoval
New Member
Join Date: Oct 2019
Posts: 3
Rep Power: 7
heo is on a distinguished road
hello everyone.

I am modifying the source code of dynamicInkejetFvmesh to implement piston motion.

One problem occurred during code development, which is that the top first grid in the domain area is loosened very long.

In order to solve this problem, I thought it would be desirable to add layers in the expanded grid, and I'm looking for ways to add layers using layeradditionremoval.c and movingconetopoFvMesh.c.

What I want is to add layers as the grid relaxes, although the domain shape is fixed.

The attached code is an update part of movingconetopoFvMesh.c. As far as I know, <mapPolyMesh> is a function that implements grid movement. I wonder if there is a way to create layers without changing the grid geometry.

bool Foam::movingConeTopoFvMesh::update()
  317 {
  318     // Do mesh changes (use inflation - put new points in topoChangeMap)
  319     autoPtr<mapPolyMesh> topoChangeMap = topoChanger_.changeMesh(true);
  321     // Calculate the new point positions depending on whether the
  322     // topological change has happened or not
  323     pointField newPoints;
  325     vector curMotionVel_ =
  326         motionVelAmplitude_*
  327         Foam::sin(time().value()*M_PI/motionVelPeriod_);
  329     Pout<< "time:" << time().value() << " curMotionVel_:" << curMotionVel_
  330         << " curLeft:" << curLeft_ << " curRight:" << curRight_
  331         << endl;
  333     if (topoChangeMap.valid())
  334     {
  335         Info<< "Topology change. Calculating motion points" << endl;
  337         if (topoChangeMap().hasMotionPoints())
  338         {
  339             Info<< "Topology change. Has premotion points" << endl;
  341             motionMask_ =
  342                 vertexMarkup
  343                 (
  344                     topoChangeMap().preMotionPoints(),
  345                     curLeft_,
  346                     curRight_
  347                 );
  349             // Move points inside the motionMask
  350             newPoints =
  351                 topoChangeMap().preMotionPoints()
  352               + (
  353                     pos(0.5 - mag(motionMask_)) // cells above the body
  354                 )*curMotionVel_*time().deltaT().value();
  355         }
  356         else
  357         {
  358             Info<< "Topology change. Already set mesh points" << endl;
  360             motionMask_ =
  361                 vertexMarkup
  362                 (
  363                     points(),
  364                     curLeft_,
  365                     curRight_
  366                 );
  368             // Move points inside the motionMask
  369             newPoints =
  370                 points()
  371               + (
  372                     pos(0.5 - mag(motionMask_)) // cells above the body
  373                 )*curMotionVel_*time().deltaT().value();
  374         }
  375     }
  376     else
  377     {
  378         Info<< "No topology change" << endl;
  379         // Set the mesh motion
  380         newPoints =
  381             points()
  382           + (
  383                 pos(0.5 - mag(motionMask_)) // cells above the body
  384            )*curMotionVel_*time().deltaT().value();
  385     }
  387     // The mesh now contains the cells with zero volume
  388     Info << "Executing mesh motion" << endl;
  389     movePoints(newPoints);
  390     //  The mesh now has got non-zero volume cells
  392     curLeft_ = average
  393     (
  394         faceZones()
  395         [
  396             faceZones().findZoneID("leftExtrusionFaces")
  397         ]().localPoints()
  398     ).x() - SMALL;
  400     curRight_ = average
  401     (
  402         faceZones()
  403         [
  404             faceZones().findZoneID("rightExtrusionFaces")
  405         ]().localPoints()
  406     ).x() + SMALL;
  409     return true;
  410 }
Attached Images
File Type: jpg dynamicmesh.jpg (53.7 KB, 26 views)
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dynamicfvmesh, movingconetopofvmesh

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