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request fo volVectorField U.particles from objectRegistry regin0 failed-TwoPhaseEuler

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Old   August 4, 2020, 16:38
Default request fo volVectorField U.particles from objectRegistry regin0 failed-TwoPhaseEuler
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Hi Foamers,

I need to get access to U.particles in order to calculate the shear rate somewhere inside the viscosity model for twoPhaseEulerFoam solver.

I use the following object registry utility for U field as :

const volVectorField& U = this ->db().objectRegistry::lookupObject<volVectorField> ("U.particles");

The problem, however, arises when I call U.particles for twoPhaseEulerFoam solver getting the following error message:


request for volVectorField U.particles from objectRegistry region0 failed
available objects of type volVectorField are

I am pretty sure that the process of the U object registry is fine since other two-phase solvers (e.g. compressibleInterFoam) reads U field from 0/. folder through applying the same viscosity model.

I used the mentioned registry for all the twoPhaseEulerFoam/tutorials, but none of them read volVectorField U from 0/ but compressibleInterFoam/tutorials work fine.

Plus, comparing creatFields.H for two multiphase solvers (e.g compressibleInterFoam with twoPhaseEulerFoam) shows a major difference in the field declaration order that could be the possible reason for the problem.

any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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Old   August 6, 2020, 15:16
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I Solved the problem using the following procedure:

1- Since the object registry of U field is required for calculating of the shear rate (SR), it would be more efficient to use the available U field inside the twoPhaseEuler.C (not inside the thermophysical model)
2- As the shear rate (SR) is calculated inside the main solver, it can be easily transferred to the needed address (e.g. thermophysicalModels/basic/heRhoThermo/viscosity_calculation)
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Old   January 28, 2021, 11:52
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Originally Posted by Hamed1117 View Post
I Solved the problem using the following procedure:

1- Since the object registry of U field is required for calculating of the shear rate (SR), it would be more efficient to use the available U field inside the twoPhaseEuler.C (not inside the thermophysical model)
2- As the shear rate (SR) is calculated inside the main solver, it can be easily transferred to the needed address (e.g. thermophysicalModels/basic/heRhoThermo/viscosity_calculation)

Hello Hamed,

I try to do the same thing and I am stuck at the same part as you did. Can you explain your solution more detailled and maybe share your /basic, /specie and the twoPhaseEuler solver in case you modified something there?

Thank you very much for the help,

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Old   July 7, 2021, 04:31
Default A non-newtonian viscosity for thermophysicalModels
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Originally Posted by Hamed1117 View Post
I Solved the problem using the following procedure:

1- Since the object registry of U field is required for calculating of the shear rate (SR), it would be more efficient to use the available U field inside the twoPhaseEuler.C (not inside the thermophysical model)
2- As the shear rate (SR) is calculated inside the main solver, it can be easily transferred to the needed address (e.g. thermophysicalModels/basic/heRhoThermo/viscosity_calculation)

Hello Hamed,

I am also trying to use viscosity as a function of shear rate and phase fraction. I went through your suggestion but still getting a compilation error. I request you to please do share a your heRhoThermo.C and main Solver.C file. It would be a great help. Thank you.
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Old   October 9, 2021, 15:25
Default Viscosity as A Function of Shear Rate in TwoPhaseEulerFoam
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Originally Posted by Hamed1117 View Post
I Solved the problem using the following procedure:

1- Since the object registry of U field is required for calculating of the shear rate (SR), it would be more efficient to use the available U field inside the twoPhaseEuler.C (not inside the thermophysical model)
2- As the shear rate (SR) is calculated inside the main solver, it can be easily transferred to the needed address (e.g. thermophysicalModels/basic/heRhoThermo/viscosity_calculation)
Hello Hamed, I am still figuring out if you have used U1 or U2 as an available U field to calculate SR. I used the U1 velocity field in the main solver and the solver got compiled successfully but it shows an error as the "SR.particle" file is missing.

It would be a great help if you can help me to figure it out. Hoping for the best!
Thank you in advance.

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Old   May 24, 2023, 09:13
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Originally Posted by Hamed1117 View Post
I Solved the problem using the following procedure:

1- Since the object registry of U field is required for calculating of the shear rate (SR), it would be more efficient to use the available U field inside the twoPhaseEuler.C (not inside the thermophysical model)
2- As the shear rate (SR) is calculated inside the main solver, it can be easily transferred to the needed address (e.g. thermophysicalModels/basic/heRhoThermo/viscosity_calculation)
Hi Hamed, I have the same error.


request for volVectorField U from objectRegistry region0 failed
available objects of type volVectorField are

From function const Type& Foam:bjectRegistry::lookupObject(const Foam::word&, bool) const [with Type = Foam::GeometricField<Foam::Vector<double>, Foam::fvPatchField, Foam::volMesh>]

How did you solve it exactly? I am calling U in the function heRhoThermo as well as the strainrate sr. The compilation was fine, however when doing a simulation the U volvectorfield seem to not be available.
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