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creating a field that is accessible by all processors

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Old   July 27, 2020, 03:08
Default creating a field that is accessible by all processors
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szamani is on a distinguished road
I am using a curve estimation method for interFoam, which relies on adjacent cell values.
for instance, to calculate the curvature on cell [i, j], I need the values from cells:

This is easily done when running on one processor, however, the code does not run in parallel, because each processor has access only to a certain part of the domain.
and not all the cells are necessarily aligned on the patch fields.

I was thinking of creating a field or array where all of the elements within it are accessible from all processors in openfoam.

Is this possible? I am sure there must be a smarter way around this issue?
I would appreciate any insight or guidance on this.

Thank you
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Old   July 27, 2020, 03:14
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geth03 is on a distinguished road
did you change/modify/add code ?
if yes how did you do it?
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Old   July 27, 2020, 03:28
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szamani is on a distinguished road
Yes, I have added the following code, which, again, works fine running only on 1 processor.

so in the code below, the "ID_" should be a global ID, where all elements of "alpha1_smooth3" could be accessed by all the processors.

int ID = ID_+1;
//cell indices i and j
int c_i = ID % Nx; if(c_i == 0){ c_i = Nx;}
int c_j = ceil(ID_/Nx)+1;

if(c_i > 4 && c_i < (Nx-4) && c_j>4 && c_j < (Ny-4))
//top row
int ID_NW = ((c_j+1)-1)*Nx + (c_i-1) - 1; int ID_N = ((c_j+1)-1)*Nx + c_i - 1; int ID_NE = ((c_j+1)-1)*Nx + (c_i+1) - 1;
int ID_W = (c_j-1)*Nx + (c_i-1) - 1; int ID_E = (c_j-1)*Nx + (c_i+1) - 1;
//bottom row
int ID_SW = ((c_j-1)-1)*Nx + (c_i-1) - 1; int ID_S = ((c_j-1)-1)*Nx + c_i - 1; int ID_SE = ((c_j-1)-1)*Nx + (c_i+1) - 1;

//fourth top row
int ID_NW3 = ((c_j+4)-1)*Nx + (c_i-1) - 1; int ID_N3 = ((c_j+4)-1)*Nx + c_i - 1; int ID_NE3 = ((c_j+4)-1)*Nx + (c_i+1) - 1;
//third top row
int ID_NW2 = ((c_j+3)-1)*Nx + (c_i-1) - 1; int ID_N2 = ((c_j+3)-1)*Nx + c_i - 1; int ID_NE2 = ((c_j+3)-1)*Nx + (c_i+1) - 1;
//second top row
int ID_NW1 = ((c_j+2)-1)*Nx + (c_i-1) - 1; int ID_N1 = ((c_j+2)-1)*Nx + c_i - 1; int ID_NE1 = ((c_j+2)-1)*Nx + (c_i+1) - 1;
//second bottom row
int ID_SW1 = ((c_j-2)-1)*Nx + (c_i-1) - 1; int ID_S1 = ((c_j-2)-1)*Nx + c_i - 1; int ID_SE1 = ((c_j-2)-1)*Nx + (c_i+1) - 1;
//third bottom row
int ID_SW2 = ((c_j-3)-1)*Nx + (c_i-1) - 1; int ID_S2 = ((c_j-3)-1)*Nx + c_i - 1; int ID_SE2 = ((c_j-3)-1)*Nx + (c_i+1) - 1;
//fourth bottom row
int ID_SW3 = ((c_j-4)-1)*Nx + (c_i-1) - 1; int ID_S3 = ((c_j-4)-1)*Nx + c_i - 1; int ID_SE3 = ((c_j-4)-1)*Nx + (c_i+1) - 1;

double H_ib((alpha1_smooth3[ID_NW3]+alpha1_smooth3[ID_NW2]+alpha1_smooth3[ID_NW1]+alpha1_smooth3[ID_NW]+alpha1_smooth3[ID_W]+alpha1_smooth3[ID_SW]+alpha1_smooth3[ID_SW1]+alpha1_smooth3[ID_SW2]+alpha1_smooth3[ID_SW3])*deltaX_);
double H_i((alpha1_smooth3[ID_N3]+alpha1_smooth3[ID_N2]+alpha1_smooth3[ID_N1]+alpha1_smooth3[ID_N]+alpha1_smooth3[ID_]+alpha1_smooth3[ID_S]+alpha1_smooth3[ID_S1]+alpha1_smooth3[ID_S2]+alpha1_smooth3[ID_S3])*deltaX_);
double H_if((alpha1_smooth3[ID_NE3]+alpha1_smooth3[ID_NE2]+alpha1_smooth3[ID_NE1]+alpha1_smooth3[ID_NE]+alpha1_smooth3[ID_E]+alpha1_smooth3[ID_SE]+alpha1_smooth3[ID_SE1]+alpha1_smooth3[ID_SE2]+alpha1_smooth3[ID_SE3])*deltaX_);

double h_d((H_if - H_ib)/(2.0*deltaX_));
double h_dd((H_if - 2.0*H_i + H_ib)/(deltaX_*deltaX_));
Kurv[ID_] = h_dd/Foam:ow((1.0 + Foam:ow(h_d,2.0)),3.0/2.0);

//top row, starting from left
int ID_NW3 = ((c_j+1)-1)*Nx + (c_i-4) - 1; int ID_NW2 = ((c_j+1)-1)*Nx + (c_i-3) - 1; int ID_NW1 = ((c_j+1)-1)*Nx + (c_i-2) - 1; int ID_NE1 = ((c_j+1)-1)*Nx + (c_i+2) - 1; int ID_NE2 = ((c_j+1)-1)*Nx + (c_i+3) - 1; int ID_NE3 = ((c_j+1)-1)*Nx + (c_i+4) - 1;
//middle middle row
int ID_W3 = (c_j-1)*Nx + (c_i-4) - 1; int ID_W2 = (c_j-1)*Nx + (c_i-3) - 1; int ID_W1 = (c_j-1)*Nx + (c_i-2) - 1; int ID_E1 = (c_j-1)*Nx + (c_i+2) - 1; int ID_E2 = (c_j-1)*Nx + (c_i+3) - 1; int ID_E3 = (c_j-1)*Nx + (c_i+4) - 1;
//bottom row
int ID_SW3 = ((c_j-1)-1)*Nx + (c_i-4) - 1; int ID_SW2 = ((c_j-1)-1)*Nx + (c_i-3) - 1; int ID_SW1 = ((c_j-1)-1)*Nx + (c_i-2) - 1; int ID_SE1 = ((c_j-1)-1)*Nx + (c_i+2) - 1; int ID_SE2 = ((c_j-1)-1)*Nx + (c_i+3) - 1; int ID_SE3 = ((c_j-1)-1)*Nx + (c_i+4) - 1;

double H_jn((alpha1_smooth3[ID_NW3] + alpha1_smooth3[ID_NW2] + alpha1_smooth3[ID_NW1] + alpha1_smooth3[ID_NW] + alpha1_smooth3[ID_N] + alpha1_smooth3[ID_NE] + alpha1_smooth3[ID_NE1] + alpha1_smooth3[ID_NE2] + alpha1_smooth3[ID_NE3])*deltaX_);
double H_j((alpha1_smooth3[ID_W3] + alpha1_smooth3[ID_W2] + alpha1_smooth3[ID_W1] + alpha1_smooth3[ID_W] + alpha1_smooth3[ID_] + alpha1_smooth3[ID_E] + alpha1_smooth3[ID_E1] + alpha1_smooth3[ID_E2] + alpha1_smooth3[ID_E3])*deltaX_);
double H_js((alpha1_smooth3[ID_SW3] + alpha1_smooth3[ID_SW2] + alpha1_smooth3[ID_SW1] + alpha1_smooth3[ID_SW] + alpha1_smooth3[ID_S] + alpha1_smooth3[ID_SE] + alpha1_smooth3[ID_SE1] + alpha1_smooth3[ID_SE2]+ alpha1_smooth3[ID_SE3])*deltaX_);

double h_d((H_jn - H_js)/(2.0*deltaX_));
double h_dd((H_jn - 2.0*H_j + H_js)/(deltaX_*deltaX_));
Kurv[ID_] = h_dd/Foam:ow((1.0 + Foam:ow(h_d,2.0)),3.0/2.0);


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