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is tr(A) in dev(A) mathematically appropriate?

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Old   April 26, 2020, 13:21
Question is tr(A) in dev(A) mathematically appropriate?
Join Date: Apr 2016
Posts: 63
Rep Power: 10
mrishi is on a distinguished road
My question is, is it accurate to use Subtracting 1/3 * trace(A)*I from matrix A, and call it deviatoric part of the matrix?

The solution to UEqn.H leads to turbulence->divDevRhoReff (or divDevReff depending on solver). Here, the deviatoric part of stress tensor is calculated using the dev() or dev2() operators on gradU. These are defined in OpenFOAM/primitives/TensorI.H where it makes use of trace.

//- Return the deviatoric part of a tensor

template<class Cmpt>
inline Tensor<Cmpt> dev(const Tensor<Cmpt>& t)
    return t - SphericalTensor<Cmpt>::oneThirdI*tr(t);

//- Return the deviatoric part of a tensor
template<class Cmpt>
inline Tensor<Cmpt> dev2(const Tensor<Cmpt>& t)
    return t - SphericalTensor<Cmpt>::twoThirdsI*tr(t);
If I understand correctly, the definition for i,j th element of deviatoric matrix should be \partial_{i}u_{j} - \delta_{ij}\partial_{i}u_{i}. (I know technically there is another term, namely \partial_j u_i which comes from gradU vs Transpose(gradU) but it gets absorbed as laplacian and we are considering the Transpose(gradU) as matrix A here.)

However, since there is a divergence operator subsequent to all of this, the final result, after summation over indices, becomes equivalent to 1/3*tr(gradU). But is it mathematically correct to have the definition of diagonal matrix as 1/3*trace(A)*I?

Or in a simpler question of equivalence

Is the matrix
1 0 0
0 5 0
0 0 6

equivalent to
4 0 0
0 4 0
0 0 4

I would really appreciate if someone with mathematical, or openfoam knowledge can help me understand this.
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divdevreff, trace, ueqn

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