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Extracting pressure values for each face in a defined patch

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Old   November 13, 2019, 06:48
Default Extracting pressure values for each face in a defined patch
David Andersson
Join Date: Oct 2019
Posts: 46
Rep Power: 7
sippanspojk is on a distinguished road

I am currently writing my own functionObject to include in my analysis. My end goal is to compute mean values, standard deviation and correlations of the pressure of each cell for the user defined patches and write that to a file.

I have started by copying the standard functionObject forces and modified that one. So far I have managed to compute the mean values and the standard deviation and writing that to a file. Since the standard forces functionObject is operating on the integrated pressure value of the complete patch my next step is to modify the code so it instead operates on the "face level", i.e. loops over each face for the defined patches and do the same calculations there. I have read online documentation about this but I still feel lost, I have the feeling I should introduce a volScalarField but that is pretty much it, hence I need help!

I am grateful for any help bu bare with me because I am new to both C++ and to coding in OpenFOAM, so if you want to help me please explain it thoroughly.

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face, functionobjects, pressure

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