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Get list of shared points by neighbor processors with same order

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Old   June 18, 2019, 05:19
Default Get list of shared points by neighbor processors with same order
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Join Date: Apr 2019
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I did not find some similar information for my problem on the forum, so I decide to create new topic:

I need to create follow tables:
  1. 1. neighbor processors for each processor, with shared common points;
  2. 2. shared points tables that ordered similarly for neighbor processors.
My steps:
  1. 1. I try to create a reference table from the local indices to the global numbering of the points on the current processor;
  2. 2. Using information from the created before references tables I create lists of neighbor processors for each processor.
To create these tables I have some problems. I did not find the function that returns a list of neighbors processors connected only by several points and don't have common faces. I can create a function that returns a list of neighbor processors using boundary patches but without taking into account the processors that are shared only by several points. I did not find an intrinsic public function that return information about global point numbering. I try to use the globalIndex class to obtain the global numbering index of the points, but for the different processors it gave me different index for the same shared point.

Could you help to resolve this type of problem?
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neighboring points, neighbours, shared points

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