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"Missing" files when implementing OpenFOAM dictionaries referenced in custom solver

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Old   December 2, 2018, 17:58
Default "Missing" files when implementing OpenFOAM dictionaries referenced in custom solver
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Mark De Luca
Join Date: Oct 2018
Posts: 1
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Hi everyone,

I’ve inherited some code as part of my PhD project. The code is written in c++ and includes various OpenFOAM files to define the gas models that are implemented within it.

Required to build the code is OpenFOAM 2.1.1, which is installed in my $HOME/OpenFOAM directory. The CMakeLists.txt for generating the Makefile details lines that include some key libraries required.


This seems to execute fine, as the project can build without error. I run the ‘of211’ alias command to set the shell environment, defined as such in the ~/.bashrc file.

alias of211='source $HOME/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-2.1.1/etc/bashrc WM_NCOMPPROCS=6 WM_MPLIB=SYSTEMOPENMPI WM_COMPILER=Gcc48'
I then attempt to execute the code, which generates this error:

--> FOAM FATAL ERROR in Foam::findEtcFiles() : could not find mandatory file 

free(): invalid pointer 
Aborted (core dumped)
Searching for the definition of Foam::findEtcFiles() gives this (located at $WM_PROJECT_DIR/src/Osspecific/POSIX/POSIX.C )

Foam::fileNameList Foam::findEtcFiles 
    const fileName& name, 
    bool mandatory, 
    bool findFirst 
 searchDir = getEnv("WM_PROJECT_DIR"); 
    if (isDir(searchDir)) 
        fileName fullName = searchDir/"etc"/name; 
        if (isFile(fullName)) 

            if (findFirst) 

                return results; 

From my understanding, the code above should search $WM_PROJECT_DIR/etc for the ‘file’ , in this case “cellModels’, and detect it. The environment seems to be set fine and the file exists as far as I can tell, as shown below.

mark@hp-mark732:~$ env | grep 'WM_PROJECT_DIR' 

mark@hp-mark732:~$ ls $WM_PROJECT_DIR/etc 
bashrc  cellModels  codeTemplates  config  controlDict  cshrc  thermoData
I guess I haven't technically asked a question yet, so my question is this:
Has the environment been set correctly to detect this file, or is there something else needed to be done?
Any help would be much appreciated. I have used OpenFOAM a few years back as part of my undergrad, but it’s not really my main area of focus, so I feel I’m a bit out of my depth.

As some additional information, the executable programs aren’t ran using any of the OpenFOAM solvers (such as ‘icoFoam’ etc), they are built with the ‘make’ command that compiles all the source code, and are ran from the terminal window (./someFile) , or can be executed through an IDE (I’m using the terminal currently to help with debugging). On a basic level, the code simulates various aero engine configurations to give performance data, with the OpenFOAM dictionaries being used to model the gas properties of the working fluid as it passes through stages of the engine. The operating system being used is Ubuntu 18.04.

Again, many thanks for reading what’s quite a lengthy post. If I haven’t been clear on anything, let me know and I’ll try clear it up.


Last edited by markdeluca; December 3, 2018 at 07:53.
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