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issue with gdbOF with eclipse

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Old   September 17, 2018, 18:45
Smile issue with gdbOF with eclipse
New Member
Chen Shen
Join Date: Sep 2018
Posts: 14
Rep Power: 8
Giantsda is on a distinguished road
gdbOF is a tool that is attached to GNU gdb.
I can run gdbOF commands in gdb now like pfvMatrixFul which writes matrix to a file.

The problem is:
When I try to debug the program in eclipse, I cannot run any gdbOF command in gdb window.
It says:Undefined command: "pfvMatrixFul". Try "help".

Any clue?

Additional info:

1. If you want to debug Openfoam with eclipse and you are using Ubuntu, you need to download GNU gdb, and over writtern the Ubuntu version gdb (by modify PATH in ~/.bashrc). Or when you try to view the variable values, eclipse will hang, at least in Ubuntu 16.

2. Now, I am using gdb-tui if I want to use gdbOF feature. It works fine.
simply do:
gdb-tui or
gdb, then Ctrl+X+A to enable the TUI mode.

3. If you do not like TUI mode, you can do it in emacs. It works fine too.
1. emacs &
2. in emacs, do: Alt+x, and type gud-gdb
3. run it with: run -case (path/of/the/case/file)
And you can use all gdbOF features.

4. I just do not know why it does not work with eclipse. I am a lazy guy who wants to just click mouse so I am trying to make it work in eclispe.


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eclipse, emacs, gdbof

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