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define CSVfile dict in the BC code

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Old   August 27, 2018, 12:12
Default define CSVfile dict in the BC code
New Member
Ignacio Sarmiento
Join Date: Jul 2018
Posts: 8
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Newbie question:
There is a very useful option for reading non uniform values from CSV files with dataentry/function1, but I would like to define this way 5 variables for my BC, so someone could just define every variable in the U dict as:
<entryName> csvFile;
nHeaderLine 4;
refColumn 0; // reference column index
componentColumns (1); // component column indices
separator ","; // optional (defaults to ",")
mergeSeparators no; // merge multiple separators
fileName "fileXYZ"; // name of csv data file
outOfBounds clamp; // optional out-of-bounds handling
interpolationScheme linear; // optional interpolation scheme
but it's kind of redundant define all this for the 5 variables changing only componentColumns, it would be more confortable calling it only once, but that is not possible for arbitrary number of variables, actually I only can call scalars, vectors and tensors, so I was thinking in call it directly from the BC code, is that possible?
insted writing

h_(function1<scalar>::New("h", dict))
put directly in the code

h csvFile;
nHeaderLine 4;
refColumn 0;
componentColumns dict.lookup("valuesColumns")[0];
separator ",";
mergeSeparators no;
fileName dict.lookup("dataFileName"),;
outOfBounds clamp;
interpolationScheme linear;


I know that drafting doesn't actually works, but how can I define this dict in the code so this could work? or is it possible to redefine 1 member of the dict when I call it?
Any other suggestions for not calling 5 times the same file changing only the componentColumns?
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boundary condition, csv, csvfile

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