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Writing a if loop in the blockMeshDict file

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Old   April 20, 2018, 12:39
Default Writing a if loop in the blockMeshDict file
New Member
Join Date: Apr 2018
Posts: 1
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eroussel is on a distinguished road
Dear all,

I want to create a if loop in my definition of the inlet, so that it changes according to a user defined Wind Direction.

I keep running into errors, and just keep asking why this simple code doesn´t work. I try adding ForAll command, also #Codestream command without no effects.
I´m a beginner with OPenFoam, my problem may seem obvious but I´m however yet not able to solve it.

Here is the code :
/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\

| o | |

| o o | HELYX-OS |

| o O o | Version: v2.2.0 |

| o o | Web: |

| o | |



version 2.0;
format ascii;
class dictionary;
location system;
object blockMeshDict;

D 20;/*Size of the buildings*/
M 10;/*Length btw inlet and the buildings*/
Wind 0;/*Wind Direction : from 0 to 315 with a path of 45*/
L #calc "$D*$M";/*Lenght of the Backgroundmesh*/

string FacesInlet;

convertToMeters 1;
x1 #calc "-1.0*$L*cos(0.393)";
x2 #calc "-1.0*$L*cos(3*0.393)";
x3 0;
x4 #calc "$L*cos(3*0.393)";
x5 #calc "$L*cos(0.393)";
y1 #calc "-1.0*$L*cos(0.393)";
y2 #calc "-1.0*$L*cos(3*0.393)";
y3 0;
y4 #calc "$L*cos(3*0.393)";
y5 #calc "$L*cos(0.393)";
zMin 0;
zMax 50;
xCells 50;
yCells 50;
zCells 15;
($:backgroundMesh.x1 $:backgroundMesh.y2 $:backgroundMesh.zMin)
($:backgroundMesh.x1 $:backgroundMesh.y4 $:backgroundMesh.zMin)
($:backgroundMesh.x2 $:backgroundMesh.y5 $:backgroundMesh.zMin)
($:backgroundMesh.x4 $:backgroundMesh.y5 $:backgroundMesh.zMin)
($:backgroundMesh.x5 $:backgroundMesh.y4 $:backgroundMesh.zMin)
($:backgroundMesh.x5 $:backgroundMesh.y2 $:backgroundMesh.zMin)
($:backgroundMesh.x4 $:backgroundMesh.y1 $:backgroundMesh.zMin)
($:backgroundMesh.x2 $:backgroundMesh.y1 $:backgroundMesh.zMin)
($:backgroundMesh.x3 $:backgroundMesh.y3 $:backgroundMesh.zMin)
($:backgroundMesh.x1 $:backgroundMesh.y2 $:backgroundMesh.zMax)
($:backgroundMesh.x1 $:backgroundMesh.y4 $:backgroundMesh.zMax)
($:backgroundMesh.x2 $:backgroundMesh.y5 $:backgroundMesh.zMax)
($:backgroundMesh.x4 $:backgroundMesh.y5 $:backgroundMesh.zMax)
($:backgroundMesh.x5 $:backgroundMesh.y4 $:backgroundMesh.zMax)
($:backgroundMesh.x5 $:backgroundMesh.y2 $:backgroundMesh.zMax)
($:backgroundMesh.x4 $:backgroundMesh.y1 $:backgroundMesh.zMax)
($:backgroundMesh.x2 $:backgroundMesh.y1 $:backgroundMesh.zMax)
($:backgroundMesh.x3 $:backgroundMesh.y3 $:backgroundMesh.zMax)
hex (0 8 2 1 9 17 11 10)
simpleGrading (1 1 1)
hex (2 8 4 3 11 17 13 12)
simpleGrading (1 1 1)
hex (4 8 6 5 13 17 15 14)
simpleGrading (1 1 1)
hex (6 8 0 7 15 17 9 16)
simpleGrading (1 1 1)





type patch;
/* {
forAll(Wind) */
if (Wind == 0)
FacesInlet = "(7 16 9 0) (0 9 10 1) (1 10 11 2)"
else if (Wind == 90)
FacesInlet = "(1 10 11 2) (2 11 12 3) (3 12 13 4)"
else if (Wind == 180)
FacesInlet = "(3 12 13 4) (4 13 14 5) (5 14 15 6)"
else if (Wind == 270)
FacesInlet = "(5 14 15 6) (6 15 16 7) (7 16 9 0)"
return FacesInlet;
/* } */

type patch;
(4 13 14 5)
(3 12 13 4)
(5 14 15 6)

type wall;
(0 1 2 8)
(2 3 4 8)
(4 5 6 8)
(6 7 0 8)

type symmetry;
(9 17 11 10)
(11 17 13 12)
(13 17 15 14)
(15 17 9 16)
(2 11 12 3)
(6 15 16 7)


And here is my error :

incorrect first token, expected '(', found on line 1 the punctuation token '{'

file: .inlet.faces at line 1.

From function Foam::Istream& Foam:perator>>(Foam::Istream&, Foam::List<T>&) [with T = int]
in file /home/ubuntu/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-4.1/src/OpenFOAM/lnInclude/ListIO.C at line 131.

Thank you in advance for any help 😊
eroussel is offline   Reply With Quote


blockmeshdict, if loop, inlet, loop

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