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Supporting multiple OF versions in library

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Old   April 4, 2018, 06:53
Default Supporting multiple OF versions in library
Senior Member
Timofey Mukha
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Posts: 119
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tiam is on a distinguished road
Dear all,

I am developing a library for wall-modelled LES in OpenFOAM

Unfortunately, the OF community is split and there are several forks, all with different APIs. Moreover, breaking API changes are continuously introduced within a single fork as well. I work with OpenFOAM 3.0.1 but I would like the code to support multiple versions of OF, to enlarge the user-base. I intended to have separate git branches corresponding to different versions. But I see already now that this is not going to work: propagating changes to several branches will take too long and it will be hard to keep them in sync. Therefore, I would like the code to determine the OF fork that is installed and have appropriate pieces of code compiled.

If I understand correctly, swak4foam manages to do that, using complicated makefiles and #ifdef macros in the code, like this, for example

#ifdef FOAM_NO_DIMENSIONEDINTERNAL_IN_GEOMETRIC                                 
            << this->internalField().name()                                     
            << this->dimensionedInternalField().name()                          
I am wondering if there is any guide on how to do such things, swak4foam is a bit too huge to untangle everything.

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version-specific code

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