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Messing alphaEqn solver with meshPrimitivePtr->movePoints(newPointsRef, oldPointsRef)

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Old   August 21, 2016, 16:36
Default Messing alphaEqn solver with meshPrimitivePtr->movePoints(newPointsRef, oldPointsRef)
Jean-Michel FONTAINE
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Orleans - France
Posts: 55
Rep Power: 17
jmf is on a distinguished road

I spent two days in vain to solve coding problem.

My project is to modify interDyMFoam by adding a tightly coupled motion solver loop.
For the mesh deformation, I try to use the method movePoints() from the class primitiveMesh

Here is an extract of the code:

// Calculates the candidatePoints from the initialPoints
pointField initialPoints(mesh.points());
tmp<pointField> candidatePointsTmp(new pointField(mesh.points()));
pointField& candidatePointsRef = candidatePointsTmp();

// Calculate the transformation septernion from the initial state
septernion s ( centreOfMass - centreOfMass0,
    quaternion(orientationTensor & orientationTensor0.T())

forAll(candidatePointsRef, iPoint) {
    // Move non-stationary points
    if (scale_[iPoint] > SMALL) {
        // Use solid-body motion where scale_ = 1
        if (scale_[iPoint] > 1 - SMALL) {
            candidatePointsRef[iPoint] = centreOfMass
                + (orientationTensor & orientationTensor0.T() & (initialPoints[iPoint] - centreOfMass0));
        // Slerp septernion interpolation
        else {
            septernion ss(slerp(septernion::I, s, scale_[iPoint]));
            candidatePointsRef[iPoint] = centreOfMass0
              + ss.transform (initialPoints[iPoint] - centreOfMass0);

// Calculates the swept volume with the base class primitiveMesh
pointField& initialPointsRef = initialPoints;
primitiveMesh* meshPrimitivePtr = &mesh;

// Following instruction causes the bug
tmp<scalarField> sweptVolsTmp
This compiles, creates the new points and calculates the swept volume as expected.
But after that, the solver fails when solving "alpha1" :

smoothSolver:  Solving for alpha.water, Initial residual = nan, Final residual = nan, No Iterations 1000
Phase-1 volume fraction = -nan  Min(alpha1) = -nan  Max(alpha1) = -nan
MULES: Correcting alpha.water
Phase-1 volume fraction = -nan  Min(alpha1) = -nan  Max(alpha1) = -nan
When I comment out the line marked as bug, everything is normal.
I can't figure out the problem : pointers ? tmp<field> ?
Could anybody help out ?


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interdymfoam, primitivemesh, tmp<volscalarfield>

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