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Velocity jump boundary condition

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Old   July 14, 2016, 10:01
Unhappy Velocity jump boundary condition
New Member
Ana Sofia Ribeiro
Join Date: Jul 2016
Posts: 2
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Hello everybody,

I am currently doing my master thesis, which is about analysing a vortex generator model that (hopefully) allows the computation of the vortex downstream a vortex generator without meshing the vane.

I will try to explain the model briefly:
Instead of meshing the vanes, a plane with azimuthal velocity is introduced at a certain streamwise position. If one sums this 2D vortex velocity field (v,w) with the unperturbed velocity field (u), on a flat plate for example, then a vortex similar to that downstream the vane can be created. (Where u is the axial velocity, v and w are azimuthal velocity decomposed in the cartesian coordinated. )

I have already the velocities v and w for each cell of the plane located at x/c =1, but now I cannot find any boundary condition that allows me to introduce a velocity field jump at this coordinate.
I saw already examples with:
- Groovy boundary condition with swirl at inlet. This however do not depend on the velocity field.
- Fan and fixedJump boundary conditions. But these are just for pressure changes.

I believe that it is possible to change fan boundary condition where the jump of U of each cell of the fan patch is read in a certain table. But I don't have any ideia how to do this, or if this approach makes sense.

Can anyone help me please? Forgive me if the questions is to dull but this is the first project I do in openFoam.

Thanks in advance
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