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How to call function that operates cell-wise on many fields

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Old   May 6, 2016, 15:15
Default How to call function that operates cell-wise on many fields
Senior Member
Thomas Oliveira
Join Date: Apr 2015
Posts: 114
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Dear all,

My model transports N chemical species. The distribution of each species in the domain is a volScalarField. These fields are grouped in a PtrList<volScalarField>.

Now, I want to call a function foo that, for each cell, takes the amount of all species, calculate a new amount of them, and changes the volScalarFields accordingly.

A pseudocode of that could be:

PtrList< volScalarField > species; 

int numberOfSpecies = species.size(); 
int numberOfCells = species[0].size(); 
PtrList< scalar > cellComposition (numberOfSpecies); 
for (int j=0; j<numberOfCells; j++){ 
    for (int i=0; i<numberOfSpecies; i++) 
        cellComposition.set(i, species[j][i]); 
I had some tries but nothing worked yet. It is worth noting that the calculation of the new composition is done cell-wise, with no contribution from the neighbours. In theory, it should be easy to parallelise this calculation.

Could you please share your ideas on how you would solve this problem and how one could take advantage of the existing infrastructure in OpenFOAM to run it in parallel?

Best regards,
t.oliveira is offline   Reply With Quote


chemical reaction, parallel calculation, volscalarfield list

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