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Precipitation/Crystallisation reaction solver

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Old   August 19, 2015, 08:39
Default Precipitation/Crystallisation reaction solver
Ben Jankauskas
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: Exeter
Posts: 34
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rhythm is on a distinguished road
Hi folks,

This question is probably related to chemical engineers that are around this forum.

I am looking into writing a solver for a precipitation reaction (struvite to be precise): A+B+C+D <=> E+F
A, B, C, D, F - liquids; E - solid (for now I ignore the 'solid' part and focus only on mass transfer)

So far I have tried to avoid using combustion-thermo-chemistry libs/classes (which as far as I understand are highly interlinked and dependent of each other) and wrote a simple multispecies transfer solver that performs a forwards reaction. For mass transport source term currently my option is on using 'Laminar finite rate model' as in Fluent, though - I was not able to find out in the literature whether this is appropriate for precipitation reactions (If anyone could answer that then I'd be grateful).
Unfortunately, this is where I end up at and in order to move the development forwards (get backwards transfer working) I either need to rewrite some classes from chemistry/thermo/combustion libs, or go with modifying reacting foam, which again is using mentioned libs/classes and I'm not fully familiar with the models used there.

I'd be glad if anyone could give me some pointers on:
a) How to use existing combustion/thermo/chemistry libs/classes for my reactions, that as far as my understanding of chemistry goes are not combustive?
b) Any literature pointers on what models are used on such reactions?
c) If anyone worked on similar stuff maybe you could share your ideas on what would be the best way to approach these type of problems?


P.S.: if mods think that I need to provide additional info in the post, let me know and I'll edit it. Also if this should be posted in 'Running, Solving & CFD' forum then feel free to move it there.

Last edited by rhythm; August 25, 2015 at 11:20.
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chemistry, combustion, crystallisation, precipitation, reactions

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