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cyclic BC - modify boundary face values

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Old   May 4, 2015, 17:50
Default cyclic BC - modify boundary face values
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Italy
Posts: 62
Rep Power: 15
marluc is on a distinguished road
Dear All,

consider a straight duct with inlet and outlet defined as being cyclic patches.
Inside of my own solver I am solving for a scalar transport equation for, say phi. I also define another volScalarField, say phi1, which is not solved but it is derived from the values of phi:
phi1[cellI] =
    phi[cellI] + (B * mesh.C().internalField()[cellI]) + C
where B and C can be here assumed as constant scalar values.

Moreover I modify the boundary values of phi1 at the inlet and outlet patch faces as follows:
const fvPatch& currPatchInlet = mesh.boundaryField()[patchInlet]
    phi1.boundaryField()[patchInlet][faceI] = phi.boundaryField()[patchID][faceI] + C

const fvPatch& currPatchOutlet = mesh.boundaryField()[patchOutlet]
    phi1.boundaryField()[patchOutlet][faceI] = phi.boundaryField()[patchOutlet][faceI] + C
If I loop over the faces and print the resulting values on the stdout I obtain the expected value but if I check the results in ParaView or if I run a patchAverage on the inlet and outlet patches at the end of a simulation, I obtain the same values on both patches.

Can someone explain me why? Is this related to the cyclic BC or am I missing something?
I hope my question is clear enough to get an answer.

Thank you in advance,
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cyclic bc, face values

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