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Count breakup events per cell

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Old   February 5, 2015, 11:39
Post Count breakup events per cell
Andreas Weber
Join Date: Jun 2014
Posts: 37
Rep Power: 12 is on a distinguished road
Hello everyone,

I'm currently working on some changes on the sprayFoam solver to do different breakup and coalescence models.

It would be great to visualize areas of higher breakup/coalescence frequency. Therefore I create scalarfields (e.g. n_bu for breakup and n_coal) just as a counter for each cell. If breakup occurs in a cell, the value should just count up. Later on I could calculate the breakup freqeuncy easily with this field.

Breakup is mainly defined in

What do I have to add there, to get my counter working?
Since SprayParcel.C is meant to only treat the particles fields, there is no direct access to the mesh fields (in some way read-only through interpolation of velocity Uc_ = td.UInterp().interpolate(....); )

The Idea is really easy, but I was not able to find a solution yet.

Best regards,
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Old   February 5, 2015, 12:47
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Originally Posted by View Post
Therefore I create scalarfields (e.g. n_bu for breakup and n_coal) just as a counter for each cell. If breakup occurs in a cell, the value should just count up.
Why would you want to get the breakup count per cell, why not per parcel?

Well, actually both could be quite interesting.

There is a unused "user" variable in the SprayParcel class. You could use that as a counter. The problem here is just that you determine the breakup event inside the BreakupModel classes, which don't have access to the "user" variable, or the mesh for that matter.

I'm not sure if it works, but you could try to pass the user variable to:
bool Foam::BreakupModel<CloudType>::update
This requires you to also change all breakup models, but that would be my best bet right now.

Originally Posted by View Post
Since SprayParcel.C is meant to only treat the particles fields, there is no direct access to the mesh fields (in some way read-only through interpolation of velocity Uc_ = td.UInterp().interpolate(....); )
If you really start coding inside the SprayParcel template then you have access to the mesh. Can't remember where the mesh is kept, but I would probably check the KinematicParcel or KinematicCloud class first.
Once you have access to your fields you can also pass them to the breakup models and get your counter per cell.

I just saw that you have access to the cell number and TrackData already inside the void Foam::SprayParcel<ParcelType>::calcBreakup function.
You should get access to the mesh like this (haven't tested it though):
 const polyMesh& mesh =;

Last edited by dkxls; February 5, 2015 at 13:01. Reason: add info on mesh access
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Old   February 9, 2015, 08:29
Andreas Weber
Join Date: Jun 2014
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Why would you want to get the breakup count per cell, why not per parcel?
Using Breakup AND Coalescence Events together would end in a loss of information since one of the coalescing droplets/parcels will be deleted in the process. is offline   Reply With Quote

Old   February 10, 2015, 08:43
Andreas Weber
Join Date: Jun 2014
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Thank you for the quick reply!

I'm trying to define n_bu trough an IOobject, somehow like this:

const polyMesh& mesh =;

volScalarField n_bu
But that wont work because I need the fvMesh to create an IOobject (but only have the polyMesh). I hope I've understood that right....

So I think what I have to do is to pass the fvMesh down to SprayParcel.C (e.g. from KinematicCloud.C).

Or is there a easier/faster solution to obtain the fvMesh??? is offline   Reply With Quote

Old   April 29, 2015, 05:56
Andreas Weber
Join Date: Jun 2014
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Still haven't found a solution yet.

You're right so far, i can make use of;
but so far I have only managed to get read-only access to the field values (e.g. to my counter-field "n_bu" with lookupObject<volScalarField>("n_bu")).

So is there a way to get write access somehow to that field, probably with a Pointer? is offline   Reply With Quote


breakup model, coalescence, counter, particle

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