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calculating work in sixDoFRigidBodyMotion

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Old   July 15, 2014, 00:04
Default calculating work in sixDoFRigidBodyMotion
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 55
Rep Power: 16
ashkan is on a distinguished road
hi All,

I am doing a simulation of a restricted body in waves using OF2.3 and waves2foam. I am modifying the LinearSpring restriction to be able to calculate work done by the Spring. The total work is the sum of previous work and the current and it requires the length of the restraint in the past time.

My problem is saving the previous length of my tether (restraint) and the work done till current time. To do so I am using State code. But when I compile my solver I get the following error:

CETORigidBodyMotion/restraints/Tether/Tether.C: In member function ‘virtual void Foam::CETORigidBodyMotionRestraints::Tether::restrain(const Foam::CETORigidBodyMotion&, Foam::vector&, Foam::vector&, Foam::vector&, Foam::scalar&) const’:
CETORigidBodyMotion/restraints/Tether/Tether.C:89:38: error: invalid initialization of reference of type ‘Foam::vector& {aka Foam::Vector<double>&}’ from expression of type ‘const vector {aka const Foam::Vector<double>}’
     vector &oldR = tetherState_.oldR();
CETORigidBodyMotion/restraints/Tether/Tether.C:90:40: error: invalid initialization of reference of type ‘Foam::scalar& {aka double&}’ from expression of type ‘const scalar {aka const double}’
     scalar &power = tetherState_.power();
CETORigidBodyMotion/restraints/Tether/Tether.C:91:38: error: invalid initialization of reference of type ‘Foam::scalar& {aka double&}’ from expression of type ‘const scalar {aka const double}’
     scalar &work =;
I have attached my solvers (my codes are in "CETORigidBodyMotion/restraints/Tether") .

I would highly appreciate any comments as I am very new in programming in OpenFOAM.
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