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first contact with OpenFoam, new IcoFoam-case and 'Freestream'-BC

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Old   July 8, 2014, 04:58
Default first contact with OpenFoam, new IcoFoam-case and 'Freestream'-BC
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Join Date: Jul 2014
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First, I like to apologize for my, maybe, stupid questions. I'm new to Linux, to OpenFoam and to CFD at all.

I tryed to make an icoFoam-Case. Just a Box with Inlet&Outlet, so I want to change the BC's. I want a 'smooth Shape' for the Inlet (something sine-like) and a 'do-nothing'-BC for the Outlet.

So I searcht here and wanted to see the different derived types. I typed
'$FOAM_SRC/finiteVolume/fields/fvPatchFields/derived' into the comandline and expectet something like a list or an file open, but it only replay 'Yes, it's an directory'. I tryed to search the directory by my self, but can't find it.
So whats wrong? Can't I find it, because I need adminrigths or something like this?

I have a similar problem with the icoFoam-solver himself. According to this, i wanted to change the equation-system, but cant find the folder 'applications'. I have version 2.3.0, maybe they changed the directory?

And finally, back to the 'do-nothing'-BC. I have read its very common, so i hoped someone has implemented the BC. I have also read, it's also called 'Freestream'-BC and this is fine with my physical interpretation, so I watched here and found this. But I dont understand the documentation, I expectet at least one equation, which is implemented, but its 'only programming stuff'. I dont know were to find the information what this BC do in an mathematical or physical sense!?

To avoid misunderstanding, my 'Freestream'-BC is:
p*n - U|n = 0
p = pressure
n = normalgradient
U = velocity
|n = normal derivation

many thanks
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new bc, new solver, new to cfd

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