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How does interpolationCellPoint work?

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Old   March 30, 2014, 15:05
Default How does interpolationCellPoint work?
New Member
Ah Cai
Join Date: Dec 2010
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I am doing lagrangian particle simulation and was kinda curious to how does interpolationCellPoint work? I understand that it is used to interpolate something that is at an arbitrary location in a cell based on the link below:

The link also explained that it works by:
  • breaking each face down into triangles;
  • defining tetrahedra using these triangles and the cell centre-point;
  • cycling through all tetrahedra to find which encloses the arbitrary point; and
  • using inverse distance weights to perform linear interpolation.
However, I still don't get how does it work. Is there a theoretical explanation behind it? Are there any mathematical explanation to this?


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