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Locate a cell with a specific wall Distance value

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Old   May 28, 2013, 10:26
Post Locate a cell with a specific field value
Senior Member
M. Montero
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Madrid
Posts: 155
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be_inspired is on a distinguished road
Hi all,

My intention is know where is the cell with the lowest distance to the wall without using paraFoam. It would give me an indication about where is the problem in the mesh and where I have to change the mesh.

           Info<< "Calculating wall distance using wallDist function\n" << endl;
           wallDist y(mesh, true);
           Info<< "Writing wall distance to field zDistance" << endl;
           zDistance.internalField()= y;
           Info << " Minimum z Distance"<< min(zDistance) << endl;
	   Info << "location"<< mesh.findCell(zDistance=??)<< endl;
I have looked for it around the forum but I do not know how to extract the cellID of that specific cell and so, to use the mesh.C() option.

Please, could someone help me.

Last edited by be_inspired; May 28, 2013 at 11:32.
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Old   May 28, 2013, 14:57
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Niels Gjoel Jacobsen
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Hi Marcelino,

As far as I know, you have to do a search for the cell in question. The brute-force solution is simply to do the following (note, just written out, it might be adjusted for compilation):

label cellIndex = 0;

forAll( mesh.C(), celli )
    if ( y[celli] < y[cellIndex] )
        cellIndex = celli;

Info << "The cell index with smallest distance:" << tab << cellIndex << endl;
This will be a bit slow, so I would suggest simply to search all of the cells along the boundaries. You could e.g. do something like the following:

label cellIndex = 0;

forAll( y.boundaryField(), patchi )
    const labelList & faceCells = mesh.boundaryMesh()[patchi].patch().faceCells(); // Something like this, but might not compile.
    forAll( faceCells, celli )
        if ( y[faceCells[celli]] < y[cellIndex] )
             cellIndex = faceCells[celli];

Info << "The cell index with smallest distance:" << tab << cellIndex << endl;
Kind regards

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Old   May 29, 2013, 06:43
Senior Member
M. Montero
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Madrid
Posts: 155
Rep Power: 17
be_inspired is on a distinguished road
Hi Niels,

Thank you very much.I have chosen the second option and works great in a mesh of 20 millions of elements. The only point is that, al least for OF2.1.1, I had to delete a patch() word in one of your code lines.

I post the last version here if someone needs the tool or has to modify it for other purposes.

Thanks a lot

int main( int argc, char *argv[])
# include "setRootCase.H"
# include "createTime.H"
# include "createMesh.H"

           Info<< "Calculating wall distance using wallDist function\n" << endl;
           wallDist y(mesh, true);
           Info<< "Analyzing minimum cell Distance" << endl;
	   label cellIndex=0;
	   forAll ( y.boundaryField(),patchi)
		const labelList & faceCells = mesh.boundaryMesh()[patchi].faceCells();

		forAll (faceCells, celli)
		if ( y[faceCells[celli]] < y[cellIndex] )
		cellIndex = faceCells[celli];

	    Info << "The cell index with smallest distance:" << tab << cellIndex << endl;
	    Info << "Minimum wall distance" << tab << y[cellIndex] << endl;
	    Info << "Location of the cell with minimum wall distance (X Y Z)" << mesh.C()[cellIndex] << endl;

    return 0;
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