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New Solver: Multiplication

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Old   March 25, 2013, 02:51
Default New Solver: Multiplication
Join Date: Jul 2012
Posts: 33
Rep Power: 14
c_dowd is on a distinguished road
Hi all.

I'm trying to create an incompressible version of firefoam, and I'm hitting a few problems. As i'm trying to use parts from incompressible solvers, I keep getting dimension mismatch errors, which would be easy to solve if I could put a multiply or divide by rho where I want to. I'm pretty new to C++ and openfoam in general, so it's probably something pretty obvious that i'm missing.

Basically, in the Y equation, which is originally:

            fvScalarMatrix YiEqn
                fvm::ddt(rho, Yi)
              + mvConvection->fvmDiv(phi, Yi)
              - fvm::laplacian(turbulence->alphaEff(), Yi)
                parcels.SYi(i, Yi)
              + surfaceFilm.Srho(i)
              + combustion->R(Yi)
              + fvOptions(rho, Yi)
I want to multiply the phi term in the line " mvConvection->fvmDiv(phi, Yi)" by rho, as the solver is now using the incompressible form of phi. I've tried just typing in *rho, but this doesn't seem to work, and I'm assuming there must be another way.
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firefoam, incompressible, multiplication, solver

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