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adding a C code to OpenFOAM

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Old   November 20, 2012, 13:39
Default adding a C code to OpenFOAM
Join Date: Dec 2011
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latvietis is on a distinguished road

I have a code which I want to use in OpenFOAM. The idea is that at first there is given an initial value of "caurl" and then this loop goes trough all cells of my mesh and recalculates value of "caurl" which is afterwards written out and used again.

How it is possible to make this work with OpenFOAM? I have problems understanding all this class/object thing.

Lastly, b0, r0 and r2 are values taken from graph points and B2 is volScalarField.

The additional questions are:

1) Can I ignore the fact that B2 is defined as volScalarField and I'm trying to compare it with a float data type?

2) How it is possible to make this code work in every cell? Is it something similar to forAll(mesh.V(), celli)?

    float b0[n]={0,0.04,0.16,0.36,0.64,1.,1.44,1.69,1.96,2.25,2.56};
    float r0[n]={0.109E-03,0.109E-03,0.109E-03,0.11E-03,0.111E-03,0.112E-03,0.12E-03,0.143E-03,0.196E-03,0.417E-03,0.125E-02};
    float r2[n]={0,0,0,0,0.439E-05,0,0.248E-03,0.421E-03,0.466E-03,0.951E-02,0};
    float rval=1;
    for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
        float* b0 = x;
        float* r0 = y;
        float* r2 = z;
        int kl,kr;

        if ( B2 <= b0[n-1])
                kl = 0;
                kr = n-1;

                    if (kr - kl >= 1)
                        int k = (kr + kl)/2.;
                            if (b0[n-1] >= B2)
                                kr = k;
                                kl = k;
            float dx = b0[kr] - b0[kl];
            float du = (b0[kr] - B2)/dx;
            float dl = (B2 - b0[kl])/dx;
            float du2 = pow(du,2);
            float dl2 = pow(dl,2);
            rval = du * r0[kl] + dl * r0[kr] + ((du2 - 1.) * du * r2[kl] + (dl2 - 1.) * dl * r2[kr]) * pow(dx,2)/6.;
            float dx = b0[n-1] - b0[n-2];
            float rder = -(r0[n-2] - r0[n-1])/dx + (+r2[n-2] + 2. * r2[n-1]) * dx/6.;
            rval = r0[n-1] + (B2 - b0[n-1]) * rder;
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Old   November 21, 2012, 04:46
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Anton Kidess
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1) scalar and float are related, you only might get troubles with dimensions
2) Yes, it's exactly like that. forAll(B2, celli) will iterate through the volScalarField. If you use B2[celli], I think you will get a scalar value without dimensions.

- Anton
*On twitter @akidTwit
*Spend as much time formulating your questions as you expect people to spend on their answer.
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