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runTime out of scope in functionObject

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Old   September 19, 2012, 04:22
Default runTime out of scope in functionObject
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Sune Niemann
Join Date: Aug 2011
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Hi all,

My situation: I have created a new functionObject by dublicating the existing forceCoeffs functionObject. I modified it to do various averaging functions on the fly, and check if forces have stabilized.

My problem: I want to writeAndEnd (or any equivalent) when a certain criteria is met, but runTime is not in scope.

Another problem: I am new to OF programming.

My setup: I'm running OF-2.1 in parallel, the layout of the code is much like the original forceCoeffs functionObject, so it includes Time.H. The code work as I intend and compiles when I do not include any runTime functions.

Question: I can access time information from the objectRegistry like obr_.time().timeName() but so far as I can see, it does not inherit the member functions I am interested in. Can I include runTime in the functionObject scope or is there another way I can write and stop simulation?

What I have tried so far:
//produce the error: runTime is not in scope
//produce the error: class has no member named writeAndEnd
and many more desperate variations.

My feeling is that my main problem is in my programming skills and that I am doing something embarisingly wrong, so I hope someone can give me a pointer to the right solution, thank you in advance.
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Old   September 24, 2012, 18:30
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Bernhard Gschaider
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Originally Posted by Sune View Post
Hi all,

My situation: I have created a new functionObject by dublicating the existing forceCoeffs functionObject. I modified it to do various averaging functions on the fly, and check if forces have stabilized.

My problem: I want to writeAndEnd (or any equivalent) when a certain criteria is met, but runTime is not in scope.

Another problem: I am new to OF programming.

My setup: I'm running OF-2.1 in parallel, the layout of the code is much like the original forceCoeffs functionObject, so it includes Time.H. The code work as I intend and compiles when I do not include any runTime functions.

Question: I can access time information from the objectRegistry like obr_.time().timeName() but so far as I can see, it does not inherit the member functions I am interested in. Can I include runTime in the functionObject scope or is there another way I can write and stop simulation?

What I have tried so far:
//produce the error: runTime is not in scope
//produce the error: class has no member named writeAndEnd
and many more desperate variations.

My feeling is that my main problem is in my programming skills and that I am doing something embarisingly wrong, so I hope someone can give me a pointer to the right solution, thank you in advance.
Either dynamicCast the obr to be a fvMesh (which it actually is) or if you have a field use the mesh()-method of that to get to the same mesh
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Old   September 26, 2012, 03:11
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Sune Niemann
Join Date: Aug 2011
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Originally Posted by gschaider View Post
Either dynamicCast the obr to be a fvMesh (which it actually is) or if you have a field use the mesh()-method of that to get to the same mesh
Thanks for your answer, I settled on the following solution:

the enumerator stopControls in Time.H also gives the other standard stopAt options with saNoWriteNow and saWriteNow.
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