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Mixed BC - heat transfer - laplacianFoam

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Old   November 19, 2015, 01:46
Saurabh Tandon
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Hi Alex,

Thank you for your explanation. I have been trying (desperately) to code a mixed boundary condition using groovyBC and have not had any success with it. I was hoping to do it wuth mixed boundary condition. Could you take a look at my post and suggest any ideas that you have about implementing a mixed BC on a vector field.

Thanks again for the help.

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Old   March 7, 2016, 03:19
Default Implementing groovyBC for vectors
Saurabh Tandon
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Originally Posted by zfaraday View Post
Hi Saurabh,

refGrad has a similar meaning than refValue and it is used depending on the Boundary Condition itself. In the case you mention proposed by argonaut its value is 0. However, if the same case had included an extra constant heat flux, for instance a known radiative heat flux, you should have used refGrad in the definition of the Tface expression.

To get a better understanding of what I am talking about, please, take a look at this document.

Hope it helps.

Best regards,



I am trying to implement the groovyBC for a vector field instead of a scalar field. When I put in the fractionExpression term in my code it starts to give me a weird solution. Could you explain the implementation of the fractionExpression term for vector?

P.S. I would specifically like to know
If groovyBC turns the scalar value of fractionExperssion in to a vector on implementation?
Does fraction expression affect only the diagonal coefficients of the final coefficient matrix or the non-diagonal coefficients as well?

Thank you.

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Old   January 12, 2017, 13:03
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Thiago Parente Lima
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Originally Posted by bhh View Post
3) (dT/dn)_w=h/k (T_w -T_inf). h and T_inf are given, k is the conductivity of the solid material and T_w is the wall temperature (Varies during the computations and along BC patch).

How can I get access to the mixed condition ( 3) above)?
Returning to the initial question. This is what I've got from the two links below.
Firstly, try to understand the treatment given in the "Basic convection". Then, compare the terms of Eq. (5) to the terms of the equation given here. After this, relate these terms with the Usage of the mixed BC.

So, I think this is the answer:
type            mixed;
refValue <T_inf>
refGradient <0>
valueFraction <f (from the Basic Convection link - note that f is mesh dependent, which might be a problem) >;
Fields of interest: buoyantFoam, chtMultRegionFoam.

Last edited by thiagopl; January 13, 2017 at 06:54. Reason: English :)
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Old   January 12, 2017, 13:57
Saurabh Tandon
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Hi Thiago

You could use the Swak4FOAM and groovyBC library for accessing mesh properties while using mixed Boundary conditions.

f <valuefraction > could be mesh dependent. Swak4FOAM library has some functions that allow one to access mesh properties while setting boundary conditions.

You could also use refCast to extract mesh based values and the update the BC later in the code.

Hope it helps.

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Old   January 13, 2017, 05:55
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Hi guys,

I just want to inform you that if you want to implement something like that, you can check out my laserConvectionBC and the documentation. There you will find the derivation of the equation and in the source code you can follow how to implement all the stuff. More information about that can be found here:
Keep foaming,
Tobias Holzmann
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Old   February 7, 2019, 10:57
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Nilay Kulkarni
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I am trying to apply mixed boundary condition for volScalarField H2O to simulate absorption based on partition coefficients at a wall. I am trying to apply the boundary condition attached in the image below.Attachment 68209

Inorder to implement this I used the following BC:
        type            groovyBC;
		value			uniform 1;
		variables	"Dmuc=4.3e-6;Dmem=1.4e-6;tmem=1e- 
		//variables	"Dmuc=1;Dmem=0.1;tmem=1e-4;kow=200;";
		valueExpression	"liq";
        gradientExpression "0";
        fractionExpression "1";
        evaluateDuringConstruction 1;
In the groovyBC above I tried to discretize the gradient of H2O as a result only depending on the patch internal cell field value. But it doesn't take that into account.

Is there a way to implement this type of groovyBC?

Thank you

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