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FOAM FATAL IO ERROR size 1 is not equal to the given value of 26776

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Old   July 12, 2008, 16:58
Default Hi everyone, I have workin
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Hari Krishnan
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Hi everyone,

I have working with a simpleFoam case to see the flow of air from a inlet to outlet on a specified path.

The mesh has readed from a third party client and boundary patches are set in constant/polymesh.
The control dictionary were set to read for 300 as end time with a write interval of 100.

The fvsolution &t the intial boundary conditions
are feeded.

When I running the '0' time folder for simpleFoam

I got the following error
Application started with pid 22270
| ========= | |
| \ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox |
| \ / O peration | Version: 1.4.1 |
| \ / A nd | Web: |
| \/ M anipulation | |

Exec : simpleFoam /home/harikr/OpenFOAM/harikr-1.4.1/run/tutorials/simpleFoam smartvalve12
Date : Jul 11 2008
Time : 16:48:44
Host : D6
PID : 22270
Root : /home/harikr/OpenFOAM/harikr-1.4.1/run/tutorials/simpleFoam
Case : smartvalve12
Nprocs : 1
Create time

Create mesh for time = 0

Reading field p

Reading field U

--> FOAM FATAL IO ERROR : size 1 is not equal to the given value of 26776

file: /home/harikr/OpenFOAM/harikr-1.4.1/run/tutorials/simpleFoam/smartvalve12/0/U from line 28 to line 229.

From function Field<type>::Field(const word& keyword, const dictionary& dict, const label s)
in file /home/dm2/henry/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.4.1/src/OpenFOAM/lnInclude/Field.C at line 224.

FOAM exiting

Kindly advice me where i did wrong
If you need any further information, kindly ask me.

Thank you,

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Old   June 13, 2013, 16:53
Join Date: Oct 2012
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mayank.dce2k7 is on a distinguished road

I am also working on a problem and encountering the same error. Did you find a solution for this error?

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Old   June 13, 2013, 18:22
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Lieven will become famous soon enough
Hi Mayank,

Welcome to the forum. Since the first post dates from 2008, I doubt Hariya03 will reply ;-).

For which field do you get this error? Can you post your boundary conditions file of this field (the file in the 0-folder)?


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Old   June 14, 2013, 03:11
Join Date: Oct 2012
Posts: 84
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mayank.dce2k7 is on a distinguished road
Hi Lieven,

Thanks for your reply.
The problem is solved.

I am very new to OpenFOAM. As a part of my thesis, I have to run simulations on OpenFOAM involving fluid particle dynamics.I am trying to set up a 'one way coupled' case for running application 'icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam' on a standard driven cavity as a test case. Below is my approach:

1.) I ran 'icoFoam' driven cavity tutorial and picked up the velocity field(U) from the directory created at last time step i.e 0.5.

2.) I used this velocity field as a pre-defined velocity field for running 'icoUncoupleKinematicParcelFoam' by putting in this velocity field inside '0' directory of a new case set up using the same driven cavity mesh. This time I included all the necessary files required like 'KinematicCloudProperties', 'KinematicCloudPosition', 'turbulence properties' etc.

3) The case ran fine without errors.

Is my approach for setting up one-way coupled cases using a pre-defined steady velocity field ok or is there a better way for performing one way coupling? Also, I am new to this forum please guide me if I am asking this question at a wrong place.

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