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Problem when running potentialFoam for francis99 turbine

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Old   August 11, 2024, 12:18
Default Problem when running potentialFoam for francis99 turbine
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Join Date: Dec 2023
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I'm trying to run Francis99 turbine case. At the first step of running my case I have to run potentialFoam solver which gave me this error:
Create time

Create mesh for time = 0

Initializing the GGI interpolator between master/shadow patches: RU_PER2_31/RU_PER1_32
Initializing the GGI interpolator between master/shadow patches: RU_PER2_40/RU_PER1_41
Initializing the GGI interpolator between master/shadow patches: RU_PER2_48/RU_PER1_49
Initializing the GGI interpolator between master/shadow patches: RU_PER2_52/RU_PER1_53
Initializing the GGI interpolator between master/shadow patches: RU_PER2_54/RU_PER1_55
Initializing the GGI interpolator between master/shadow patches: GV_PER2_4/GV_PER1_5
Initializing the GGI interpolator between master/shadow patches: GV_PER2_12/GV_PER1_13
Initializing the GGI interpolator between master/shadow patches: GV_PER2_22/GV_PER1_23

keyword potentialFlow is undefined in dictionary "/mnt/k/openfoamorg_pg/Project/FOAM-extend-3.2ExampleCases/GVRUDT_MP_FOAM-extend-3.2/F99MP/system/fvSolution"

file: /mnt/k/openfoamorg_pg/Project/FOAM-extend-3.2ExampleCases/GVRUDT_MP_FOAM-extend-3.2/F99MP/system/fvSolution at line 21.

    From function Foam::dictionary& Foam::dictionary::subDict(const Foam::word&)
    in file db/dictionary/dictionary.C at line 658.

FOAM exiting

Then I added this dictionary to fvSolutions:
    nNonOrthogonalCorrectors 0;

which gave me this error:
Create time

Create mesh for time = 0

Initializing the GGI interpolator between master/shadow patches: RU_PER2_31/RU_PER1_32
Initializing the GGI interpolator between master/shadow patches: RU_PER2_40/RU_PER1_41
Initializing the GGI interpolator between master/shadow patches: RU_PER2_48/RU_PER1_49
Initializing the GGI interpolator between master/shadow patches: RU_PER2_52/RU_PER1_53
Initializing the GGI interpolator between master/shadow patches: RU_PER2_54/RU_PER1_55
Initializing the GGI interpolator between master/shadow patches: GV_PER2_4/GV_PER1_5
Initializing the GGI interpolator between master/shadow patches: GV_PER2_12/GV_PER1_13
Initializing the GGI interpolator between master/shadow patches: GV_PER2_22/GV_PER1_23
Reading field p

Reading field U

Initializing the mixingPlane interpolator between master/shadow patches: GV_OUTFLOW_1/RU_INFLOW
Initializing the mixingPlane interpolator between master/shadow patches: RU_OUTFLOW/DT_INLET

Calculating potential flow
BiCGStab:  Solving for p, Initial residual = 0, Final residual = 0, No Iterations 0
continuity error = 0


    evaluate() cannot be called for a genericFvPatchField (actual type rotatingWallTangentialVelocity)
    on patch GV_INFLOW_9 of field U in file "/mnt/k/openfoamorg_pg/Project/FOAM-extend-3.2ExampleCases/GVRUDT_MP_FOAM-extend-3.2/F99MP/0/U"
    You are probably trying to solve for a field with a generic boundary condition.

    From function genericFvPatchField<Type>::evaluate(const Pstream::commsTypes)
    in file fields/fvPatchFields/basic/generic/genericFvPatchField.C at line 757.

I should say that case has a custom boundary condition that is included with the case file. I' had tried to use it by compiling that with "wmake libso"
original case is built with FOAM-extend 3.1

I don't know where is the problem & I appreciate any help.
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Old   August 15, 2024, 14:59
New Member
Join Date: Dec 2023
Posts: 14
Rep Power: 3
smhk is on a distinguished road
For those who may come up with this problem, the Last error belongs to the implemented boundary condition. I recompiled the boundary condition error was solved:
wmake libso
I don't know why, but "wmake" alone didn't work and gave me lots of errors about "undefined reference to ..."
What is the difference between "wmake" & "wmake libso"?
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custom boundary condition, foamextend, francis, potentialfoam

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