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Coupling Two Fluid Regions Differently to Solve Heat Transfer

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Old   November 24, 2020, 15:08
Default Coupling Two Fluid Regions Differently to Solve Heat Transfer
New Member
Utkan Erdem
Join Date: Sep 2020
Posts: 19
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Hello everyone,
I want to simulate the heat transfer between a car-radiator with an unmeshable geometry (I want to simulate the radiator as porous water) and two computer-cooling fans blowing air normal to the radiator plane. And afterwards, validate the simulation by comparing the outlet temperature of the water with varying air velocities, in a test rig.

Currently, I'm working with the heatExchanger case, under the chtMultiRegionFoam. However, in this case, water and air are coupled with "constantHeatTransfer" (uses a constant heat transfer coefficient and Area-over-Volume ratio of overlapping regions in calculating the transferred heat) and the simulation requires both inlet and outlet temperatures of each fluid specified. However, I want to be able to obtain an outlet temperature for porous water as an outcome of the simulation, I don't want to specify it beforehand.

I am definitely not a CFD expert but what I believe is that; I somehow need to couple the two-fluid regions by their velocity and pressure fields and have the case calculate the Navier-Stokes energy equation to give the outlet temperature.
Maybe also finding a way to use the thermal boundary condition of "compressible::turbulentTemperatureCoupledBaffleMi xed" in this case could also work. But I don't know if that can be done with porous regions.

I would be so happy if a senior member can show me a way with this. Thank you
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heat exchanger two fluids, heat transfer modelling, porous coupling, porous flow

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