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why do we need Cp for actuationDiskSource?

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Old   July 16, 2020, 13:32
Exclamation why do we need Cp for actuationDiskSource?
Tom Waits
Join Date: Aug 2018
Posts: 42
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Hi All,

The actuationDiskSource model in OpenFoam requires both a thrust (Ct) and power (Cp) coefficient to calculate the velocity induction factor a=1-Cp/Ct to calculate the thrust resisting the flow.

I am interested in simply applying resistance to the flow (Ct) and calculating the resultant Cp.

Is there a good reason as to why the thrust force cannot be found through T=1/2 rho U^2 A Ct ?

Why do we need Cp in the actuationDiskSource source? Is it possible to simply apply a Ct to the flow and calculate Cp?

Many thanks,

Tom Waits
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actuationdisksource, source terms

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