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I am encountering problems regarding preprocessing and specifying Boundary conditions

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Old   January 12, 2020, 14:18
Post I am encountering problems regarding preprocessing and specifying Boundary conditions
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Join Date: Jan 2020
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enthusiast is on a distinguished road
This is what I am working on:

Free jets of variable density

Choose an existing OpenFOAM solver to simulate the propagation of a free gaseous jet. The jet is pressed through a cylindrical nozzle of a length of 70 mm and an inner diameter of 1 mm. Afterwards, it expands in initially quiescent air of atmospheric pressure. The jet consists of a Helium/Nitrogen mixture of a density of 0.31 kg/m. The velocity at the nozzle outlet is approximately 200 m/s. Both the air and the jet are of a temperature of T = 293 K. Discuss the resulting velocity and mass fraction fields.

I have drafted a solid structure and I have meshed it with a volumetric mesh in ICEM. I am not able to import this file to OpenFoam to run a reacting foam.

I am also not able to figure out how I need to specify the Initial and boundary conditions regarding the nitrogen and hydrogen mixture as well as air.

If anybody can assist me regarding the problems which I am encountering, it will be very helpful and I will highly appreciate your help.

Thank you.
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