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Lagrangian Solvers

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Old   January 4, 2020, 08:11
Default Lagrangian Solvers
New Member
Antonio Sereno
Join Date: Dec 2019
Posts: 9
Rep Power: 7
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Hi everyone!
I'm trying to simulate a ball mill, that is a cylinder rotating around its axis which contains a certain number of hard spheres in it; for this reason, I've decided to start with an uncoupled simulation, giving as known the fluid field (air, U = (0 0 0) ), I decided to split the simulation in 2 phases:
- Introduction and settling of particles;
- Rotation of the cylinder.

What I'd love to ask, is some advices to understand the meaning of certain files that are requested to run the icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam.
This solvers requires a kinematicCloudProperties file in the constant folder which specifies information about the particles such as density, radius, model of injection and so on.
Some of these are self-explanatory but others, (alphaMax for instance) are not; is there any documentation or paper that you would suggest to understand how and where this values are treated in order to understand where I'm putting my hands?
I've tried to go through the src folder but the code looks huge to me and my understanding of it is low.
Since I "only" need to adapt a tutorial case to my problem and it looks like I don't need to modify the solver, I was looking for some kind of guide or also some advices about how to understand where and how the valued in kinematicCloudProperties are used.

Thank you!
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icouncoupledkinematic, kinematic cloud, kinematiccloudproperties, lagrangian

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