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Is it possible to use MapFields while keeping original target field

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Old   January 15, 2018, 02:40
Default Is it possible to use MapFields while keeping original target field
Join Date: Oct 2015
Location: Finland
Posts: 39
Rep Power: 11
blttkgl is on a distinguished road

Say I have this cube with dimensions 10m in each direction. I create another small box with 1m length and resolve 3D TG vortices with some added random noise so it gives me a pseudo-random turbulence field.

Now I want to map this small box recursively into the big box, starting from bottom corner all the way to the top. Since the small box boundary conditions are cyclic in theory it should give me a fully resolved turbulence field.

In this example I want to put 10*10*10 = 1000 small boxes into the big box, so I wrote a shell script to do that only realize once mapFields is run, it clears the target fields and fully overwrites the source fields.

# This parameter defines how many boxes you will put in each direction


while [ $n -le $Lratio ]
    cd ../boxTurb16
    tranformPoints -translate "($boxSize 0 0)"
    cd ../boxTurb64
    mapFields ../boxTurb16 -consistent

    n=$(( n+1 ))    
Is there a way to use this idea by keeping the mapped field from previous iteration safe from getting overwritten? I thought about creating a big box of turbulence from the small ones first and then mapping that field, but I have around 3M cells in the small box, which would add up to 3 BN cells if I want to create the turbulence with a utility like stitchMesh. I don't have the computational resources to handle that sort of data.



EDIT : Well this is embarrassing but I couldn't figure out to delete this thread. I have a typo in "transformPoints" line of my shell script. It actually does not overwrite anything, I was just not careful enough to catch it didn't execute that line in the log files. Just gonna leave this post here so if someone needs to use the same idea they'd see it works.
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