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Some questions/problems about heatSources

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Old   April 24, 2015, 11:24
Default Some questions/problems about heatSources
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Join Date: Apr 2015
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volleyHC is on a distinguished road
Hello Guys,

i/we try to simulate an fluid flow in a pipe with some "particles", where the particles should be modeled as heatsources. But im new into using this heatSources, like SemiImplicitSource (which i GUESS is the right for me), so i hope you guys can come up with some help for me.

First of all I would like to know why are there 2 terms i have to write into the options. From the Manual/web i got, thats explicit and implicit Term, but i didn't really get why there are these 2 and which one i exactly need. Besides it's not just clear, for me, what's exactly the unit of the 2 terms in the options.

further we would like to parametrize our sources to x-y-z-coordinates, so we don't need to write down all points by hand. As far as i know, it should be able by using swak4FOAM, but I am not pretty sure how it works. So is there any other possibility to do that?

Hope my problems get clear in some degree. If not, I am here for some more informations.

thanks for your help!

Salute from Germany.
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heatsource, semiimplicitsource, swak4foem

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