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generating OpenFOAM meshes with pointwise

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Old   April 29, 2014, 14:39
Default generating OpenFOAM meshes with pointwise
Join Date: May 2013
Posts: 47
Rep Power: 13
robo is on a distinguished road
Fairly new to openfoam. I've been working on a ship hydrodynamics problem and having a lot of issues. I have setup, run and validated the results from a simple model for steady free surface flow using LTSInterFoam on the surface piercing NACA 0024 experiment. Everything went fairly smoothly. However when I try to run using my actual ship geometry, everything goes to hell.

I can run both my validation case as well as the supplied DTCHull tutorial problem using the solver settings that I validated, so I think that the issue must be my mesh. When I run checkMesh I get a lot of skew cell's and non-orthogonal failures. I generate the mesh in pointwise, however when I run the normal check's I would use in pointwise everything comes up fine. If I run the mesh in other CFD software everything comes up fine. I can only think that there must be some export issue between pointwise and openFoam, or that openFoam is MUCH more sensitive to meshing issues then other solvers.

I would rather not have to use snappy, as I find it a huge pain in the a** to get boundary layer resolution in snappy, and my my company already pays for pointwise which I can use fairly well. Does anyone have any recommendations for using meshes generated in pointwise in openfoam solvers?
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Old   April 29, 2014, 14:47
Join Date: May 2013
Posts: 47
Rep Power: 13
robo is on a distinguished road
I should add that I also get a ton of failures from checkMesh due to aspectRatio, however I am really unclear on how I could NOT get those failure on a boundary layer mesh... It seems completely unreasonable to require that the surface be resolved down to a similiar resolution as the wall normal direction. My ship is ~120 m long, running @ 5 knots, giving Re ~ 530e8, @ Y+ = 100 that would be somewhere around 1.0e-3. I am trying to resolve the surface @ between 0.5 and 0.1 m, giving an aspect ratio between 100 and 500.
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