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cht splitMeshRegion but keeping porous cellZones

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Old   September 24, 2013, 08:51
Default cht splitMeshRegion but keeping porous cellZones
Kapa Lilla
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Bruxelles, Belgium
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Dear All,

I try to simulate conjugate heat transfer with porous zones. Eventually, for cht simulation I use splitMeshRegions to create the different regions which works well, for non-overlapping regions: for exaple FLUID and SOLID.

Now, I'd like to have an additional complex cellZone, say COMPLEX, in the fluid zone. How can I do that? If I try to follow the previous procedure, it doesn't work, since COMPLEX is a subset of FLUID.

I can delet COMPLEX temporarly and then use splitMeshRegions. I get my two required regions SOLID and FLUID. Now I could copy back the original 3 zone cellZones, but with the splitMeshRegions the regions got a local numbering. Here I'm stucked. What shall I do to have 2 regions, but 3 cellZones?

Thanks for any suggestion,
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Old   September 24, 2013, 16:04
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Originally Posted by klilla View Post
Dear All,

I try to simulate conjugate heat transfer with porous zones. Eventually, for cht simulation I use splitMeshRegions to create the different regions which works well, for non-overlapping regions: for exaple FLUID and SOLID.

Now, I'd like to have an additional complex cellZone, say COMPLEX, in the fluid zone. How can I do that? If I try to follow the previous procedure, it doesn't work, since COMPLEX is a subset of FLUID.

I can delet COMPLEX temporarly and then use splitMeshRegions. I get my two required regions SOLID and FLUID. Now I could copy back the original 3 zone cellZones, but with the splitMeshRegions the regions got a local numbering. Here I'm stucked. What shall I do to have 2 regions, but 3 cellZones?

Thanks for any suggestion,
hey, why don't you just specify 3 regions instead of 2? I assume your COMPLEX region will have different material/transport properties compared to your FLUID one.
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Old   September 25, 2013, 04:20
Kapa Lilla
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Unfortunatelly COMPLEX is not marking a fluid zone, but a porous zone. So what kind of fluid is passing by in a time instant is not known. Here I mean, that in the FLUID I have multiphase flow, and FLUID is actually containing COMPLEX and I only want to mark with it cells that defines momentum and heat sources.

Let me post a figure about a simplified test case. Here you can see the FLUID zone and the COMPLEX. In case I separate FLUID and COMPLEX, what kind of boundary conditions shall I use as interface? At the end these boundaries are just interior ones.
Of course, for this easy geometry I just redefined by 'topoSet' the COMPLEX cellZone, but in reality I'll have several porous zones in my domain of non-basiy geometries.

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Old   November 19, 2013, 09:32
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Dear Lilla,

Did you finally solve the problem. Please let me know.

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cellzones, cht, splitmeshregions

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