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simulation of radial blower - topoSetDict problem

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Old   August 14, 2013, 08:41
Default simulation of radial blower - topoSetDict problem
Join Date: Aug 2013
Posts: 50
Rep Power: 13
nash is on a distinguished road
hi.. im new to openfoam and im now trying to implement a simulation of radial blower using pimpleDymFoam case.

First of all i carried out my experiment case using simpleFoam with MRF Zone definition. The simulation ran well but the result was not so good. I'm still investigating on the result.

Meanwhile i try to understand the propeller tutorial so that i can implement the radial blower simulation using the case setup.

From the propeller tutorial those steps are carried out:
Originally Posted by Artur View Post
Going step by step through the allrun.pre

1. run blockMesh - create a rectangular domain
2. extract features of the outerCylinder - will form the new domain, innerCylinder - will form the refinement region, innerCylinderSmall - will form the AMI interface
3. snap the mesh to the inside of the outerCylinder but keeping the cells inside the inner and innerSmall cylinders
4. run topoSet to remove the cellZones created by snappy
5. again, run topoSet and create faceZones which will form the inlet and outlet (note: the inlet and outlet patches from the initial domain are now empty because outerCylinder small to which the mesh has been snapped is smaller than the initial domain)
6. run topoSet yet again to create the cellZone which will form the AMI interface. the steps here are as follows:
6.1 select the cells in the inenrCyl
6.2 select the same cells once again in the set called outerCells
6.3 invert the selection of outerCels thereby selecting all the cells outside the innerCyl
6.4 convert the innerCyl cellSet to a cellZone and then to a faceSet
6.5 pick the faces at the interface between the outerCells and the innerCylinder (I am not entirely sure about this step)
6.6 Select all faces in the faceSet orientated so slave side is in innerCylinderSmallcellSet
6.7 create a dummy face set apparently needed by createPatch application
7. create the inlet & outlet patches from the sets you've created before
8. create baffles from the face zone that is there already
9. split the baffle so that you have master and slave faces of the ami (inner and outer layer as I understand it)

et voila
now back to my case. I have 2 STL files which are STL for blower and MRFZone.
MRFZone. for the blower the STL file contains information for the casing, the blade (rotor) and a channel before the outlet. (see pictures; red is mrfZone, rotor inside the mrfZone, hemisphere green is the inlet, blue is the casing, rectangular green is channel)

using sHM FaceZone, CellZone and CellZoneInside are generated

part of sHMDict
        level (4 4);
        faceZone mrfDomain;
        cellZone mrfDomain;
        cellZoneInside inside;
part of log.sHM
Adding patches for surface regions

Patch    Type    Region
-----    ----    ------

5    wall    fan_rotor-layersides
6    wall    fan_rotor-mrf-02
7    wall    fan_casing-schwarz-03
8    wall    fan_rotor-mrf-layer-02
9    wall    fan_rotor-mrf-01
10    wall    fan_casing
11    wall    fan_plane
12    wall    fan_inlet
13    wall    fan_outlet
14    wall    fan_channel
15    wall    fan_casing-outter
16    wall    fan_casing-mrf
17    wall   fan_casing-02
18    wall   fan_rotor--mrf-layer-01


19    wall    mrfDomain_frameboarder-interior
20    wall    mrfDomain_frameboarder-interior_slave
topoSetDict from propeller Tutorial (see attachment)

so i think i need to start with removing the cellZone generated by sHM.
as far as i understand i think in my case the outeCylinder can be replaced by fan.

for the inlet and outlet which normal should i set, since the fluid move upwards into blower and then will be blowed radially.

for the AMI, how to determine the p1 , p2 and the radius of the cylinder.
(can i used the information from sHM for example cellZone faceZone and cellZoneInside or it is not sufficient for the next step??)

the rest i think i'm able to figure it out.

thank you in advance
Attached Files
File Type: txt topoSetDict.txt (4.7 KB, 45 views)

Last edited by nash; August 14, 2013 at 09:35. Reason: edit title
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Old   August 14, 2013, 09:26
Join Date: Aug 2013
Posts: 50
Rep Power: 13
nash is on a distinguished road
i edit the file from the propeller topoSetDict.
see attachment for detail.

but the inlet and outlet i didnt change the normal since i still thinking about it
and also the cylinder i do not know how to determine the p1 p2 and the radius.

the rest i think i changed them to suite my case.

can someone take a look at them and help me.

thanks in advance
Attached Files
File Type: txt createAMIFaces.topoSetDict.txt (2.4 KB, 25 views)
File Type: txt createBafflesDict.txt (1.8 KB, 19 views)
File Type: txt createInletOutletSets.topoSetDict.txt (1.9 KB, 11 views)
File Type: txt createPatchDict.txt (1.4 KB, 18 views)
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